Darklight Catacombs |
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Catacombs in the depth of the south Scadu Altus region. |
Darklight Catacombs is a Location in Elden Ring, added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Darklight Catacombs is found in south Scadu Altus. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]
Darklight Catacombs Location Map
- This area can only be accessed after discovering the path to the river under Shadow Keep.
Beginning at the Castle Watering Hole Site of Grace, located in the Ruins of Unte, wander down the stream of flowing water leading south-east, passing by the ever-infamous Furnace Golem and continue down until you reach another Site, the Recluses' River Upstream Site of Grace. Continue down south, traversing difficult terrain with the use of Torrent's double-jump ability, passing by innumerable Man-Flies until you eventually find yet another Site, the Recluses' River Downstream Site of Grace.
Continuing south, taking all pathways leading south and navigating increasingly difficult terrain, traverse down the cliffs, passing by more Man-Flies until you reach a cliff overlooking a dark forest. Jump down and head north until you find two Ghostflame Braziers. Interact with the door to access the Darklight Catacombs. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]
Darklight Catacombs Dungeon Map
All Items in Elden Ring's Darklight Catacombs
Upgrade Materials
- Yellow Fulgurbloom
- Grave Glovewort (1)
- Grave Glovewort (5)
- Grave Glovewort (4)
- Ghost Glovewort (8)
- Great Ghost Glovewort (dropped from the giant Bigmouth Imp)
- Thin Beast Bones
Elden Ring Darklight Catacombs Creatures, Enemies, and Bosses
Field Bosses and Bosses
Darklight Catacombs Walkthrough
ER Shadow of the Erdtree Darklight Catacombs Video Walkthorugh
ER Shadow of the Erdtree Jore Elder Inquisitor Video Walkthorugh
The Darklight Catacombs is located south of the Scadu Altus region, directly south of the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum. To get there, go to the Recluses' River Downstream Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map], then go traverse the cliffs going south. As you get to the bottom, keep going south. By going in this direction, you will stumble upon the door leading to the Darklight Catacombs. Open the door to gain access inside the catacombs.
Once you are inside the Darklight Catacombs, follow the path leading to a lift. After arriving at the bottom, you can activate the Darklight Catacombs Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map]. After activating the Site of Grace, head north to pick up x1 Grave Glovewort [5]. A lionhead Imp will jump on you as you approach the item, so take caution. Once you have picked up the Grave Glovewort, go to the eastern hall right before picking up the loot. Grab x1 Yellow Fulgurbloom right as you head down the path. Turn left, and you'll find another path going down, with x1 Yellow Fulgurbloom in the middle of the stairs.
You will arrive on a ledge area with two Fanged Imps. Defeat the enemies, then drop down the ledge or walk down the ramp. Immediately on the west of where you dropped is a passageway leading to a lever that will turn on the lights when pulled. Go back to where you dropped, then head southeast, passing through the archway. As you turn the corner to the archway, a bigmouth Imp will attack you.
In the room overlooking the lit area, you can drop from the railings onto a ledge, then drop from the broken section of the ledge to a room with a chest containing the Viridian Amber Medallion +3. Afterwards, drop down to a bridge. The room on the south connecting to the bridge contains x1 Grave Glovewort [1] on the east side, and x2 Yellow Fulgurbloom right by the western wall. After clearing the area, follow the path going north leading to another lift. Use the lift to go down.
Follow the path north, going through the ramp on the right side to progress. A Fanged Imp will be waiting for you at the bottom of the ramp. Keep heading north, and you'll find x1 Yellow Fulgurbloom along with a bigmouth Imp opposite of it. After dealing with the imp, go back a few steps and you'll see a ladder going up. Climb the ladder, then turn right through the tight passageway, dropping to a room with a lever. Pull the lever, and you will activate the lights in another area. By the lever, you can drop down safely into a staircase below containing x4 Thin Beast Bones. Follow the path going up the stairs.
Once you have arrived at the top of the second set of stairs, look down by the opening, then drop down to the ledge. Follow the ledge going west, then climb up the ladder in the corner. In front of you, you can pick up x1 Shadow Realm Rune [5] from a corpse, and you will encounter an Inquisitor. You can safely drop to the room below with a body that has x1 Ghost Glovewort [2]. A Fanged Imp will attack you from behind after dropping. You can exit through the archway to the east. You'll be back in the area where you climbed up a ladder to the lever room.
You'll find a broken section of the railings. Drop down to the ledge bellow it, and you'll find a hallway with an Inquisitor on the southeastern corner. In this hallway, you can obtain the Death Knight Set from a dead body by the ledge on the north. South of the hallway, you can find an opening with a ladder going down. Climb down the ladder then head east through the archway. On your left, you'll find x1 Ghost Glovewort [9]. On your right, a Inquisitor will be attacking you. Defeat the Inquisitor, then drop down the ledge.
After dropping down, you can pick up x1 Yellow Fulgurbloom just where you dropped. Go east, then go through the archway going down, leading you to another lift. After arriving at the bottom of the lift, keep heading east. You will encounter a giant Bigmouth Imp which shoots fireballs towards you. Run through it, then turn left to head north. There will be a section here that has a pillar that can serve as a safe spot for you. As you are in the safe spot, a Fanged Imp will approach you. After dealing with the Fanged Imp, sprint to the area where it came from, then pull the lever in the room. Afterwards, kill the giant Bigmouth Imp, then defeat the Fanged Imp that spawns after it.
NOTE: Do not kill the Giant Bigmouth Imp before pulling the lever, or else the Great Ghost Glovewort that it drops will be stuck in the air. If you do kill it and then pull the level, return after respawning at a Stake and you can kill it again to get its item.
Go back to where you dropped, and you can pick up x2 Yellow Fulgurbloom and x1 Ghost Glovewort [8]. Afterwards, head to the pathway that the giant Bigmouth imp was blocking, then enter the room to loot a chest containing x1 Bigmouth Imp Ashes. Head up the ladder on the eastern wall, then keep heading east through the hall. You will encounter a Fanged Imp at the end of the hallway. You can safely drop, then head north. In the northernmost wall, you can pick up x1 Grave Glovewort [4] from a dead body. Head back south going down the ramps, and you'll find another lift which leads you to a boss fog.
Once you head inside the boss fog, you will encounter Jori, Elder Inquisitor. For a more detailed guide on how to defeat Jori, Elder Inquisitor, you can visit this page. After defeating Jori, Elder Inquisitor, you will obtain the Barbed Staff-Spear and the Forsaken Graveyard Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map] will be unlocked.
NOTE: The Abyssal Woods can be accessed after defeating the boss of the Darklight Catacombs. After you have defeated Jori, you can follow the path going south to get to the Abyssal Woods region. You can't use your mount in the area, so you will get kicked off of your mount as you approach the region. Keep going south, and you can activate the Woodland Trail Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map]. To unlock the map for the Abyssal Woods region, you can keep following the path going south, and you will come across a glowing column with an item. Pick it up to get the Map: Abyss. Nearby, you can activate the Abandoned Church Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map].
Elden Ring Darklight Catacombs Gallery and Notes
[other images go here]
- Anonymous
Died in the boss room and my runes disappeared from this plane of existence...
- Anonymous
The moment I realised the projectiles began to bounce off the walls it was already too late because I got instantly blendered. Those sorcereres are no joke.
- Anonymous
Dont kill the big biv big mouth imp bevoreyou loweredthe platform he is on. Otherwhise his legendary drop will stay midair and you can get it anymore
updated explanatory guide with more detail and relevant information.
- Anonymous
Kinda crazy I almost missed out on a whole section of the dlc area because I didn't hit a hidden wall
- Anonymous
The Giant Bigmouth Imp seems to be prone to falling off the ledge as you approach the room - I got an unexplained 2500 or so of souls and it wasn't in there when I went through. Judging by the number of other comments mentioning it being gone, I'm guessing this was what happened to a lot of other people as well. Just beat the (super weak) boss, and work backwards from the boss site of grace.
- Anonymous
Just lowered the platform first and killed the giant bigmouth imp. No Great Ghost Glovewort. Killed the boss, rested, went back and killed it again and it dropped.
I recommend waiting for the platform to go all the way down before killing it, just in case that was my issue.
- Anonymous
Giant cannon imp is bugged and didn't spawn for me on my second playthrough.
- Anonymous
I missed the giant bigmouth and beat the dungeon. Ran back after resting at boss room grace and it was where it was supposed to be.
- Anonymous
Anyone else get to where the large bigmouth imp is supposed to be and it not being there? I have no idea what happened. The two little imps were in front of where he is supposed to be but the big one wasn't on the platform.
- Anonymous
To anyone wanting to fight the big cannon enemy before lowering the platform: Do not!!!
If you kill it before the platform lowers the item drops onto the ground and stays there. That means once the platform lowers, it will be in the air and you cannot grab it. After reloading or just respawning if you should die there, the item is gone without being able to get it back.
- Anonymous
I was trying to get to the boss below so I didn’t bother pulling levers along the way and I noticed the Giant Bigmouth Imp didn’t show up. It was my first time entering the catacombs in this file, but I had encountered him in other playthroughs and the only difference was that this time I didn’t stop to pull the light levers.
Could this be why?
- Anonymous
Hey, for anyone doing NG+, it seems like there is some sort of a bug where the giant cannon imp does not spawn the first time you go through the area (not dying once). However, if you reset at a Stake of Marika, the giant cannon imp will spawn. I used the first instance to lower the platform for ease.
- Anonymous
Just a thing to note. If you kill the giant cannon Imp at a distance and you can't get the drop, reset at a Stake of Marika and it'll come back.
- Anonymous
Goddamnit... you can kill the giant bigmouth imp with arrows before you pull the lever and it won't shoot at you - but that leaves the glovewort it drops suspended in the air after you pull the lever making it inaccessible...
- Anonymous
I let loose the Sisters of Night and they backed Jori into a corner and stunlocked her to death. Absolutely brutal, but I will never not summon the sisters for this boss fight.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Pair starlight spell with old lord's talisman here. 9 fp for 4 minute is pretty good
- Anonymous
I can appreciate well placed respawn points as to not make thia dungeon infuriating. They're learning, because they easily could have made us start from the entrance, which would alienate 99% of the playerbase, while the no-lifers just say get gud=)
- Anonymous
So..I just can't get the legendary drop because I killed the giant imp from a distance.
That one Inquisitor with the machine gun nail spell killed me before I could react!
Judging by the bloodstains, everyone else was surprised too
- Anonymous
Devs are so dumb. Did they not realize we would try to kill the giant cannon imp from a distance? That magic and thus makes exist in game? So when the platform went down, the drop from the giant imp was stuck in midair. How could they overlook something so stupidly obvious?
- Anonymous
Starlight sorcery make this dungeon a cake walk. Starlight also let's you lock on aim further than usual and snipe them or kite the enemy.
However, there Giant Imp Cannon (big one) do not kill it before you pull the lever and bring the platform down. Or you can't get Great Glovewort drop from Giant Imp Cannon because it float up there when platform is lowered.
- Anonymous
Can you somehow get that death spell the robed skeleton(inquisitor?) enemies use? That sounds like crystal barrage, but as ghostflame variant and the projectiles seem to either come back to hit a second time or have insane tracking. I wanna use that!
- Anonymous
I love the design of this. You descend pretty damn far down in the world just to GET to it, and then the catacomb itself is just descent after descent after descent, and then at the end... the boss room isn't even in the catacomb, you step out a catacomb door and see the sky, of all things, and a fascinating looking place (I spent a few seconds just being distracted by staring upwards while the boss was shooting me).
- Anonymous
Quality over quantity, personally I liked this catacomb design over 90% of the main game. If the main game had A LOT less catacombs but design-wise like this one or similar, it would have been better.
- Anonymous
PSA if you shoot the Giant Big Mouth Imp with a bow before you lower the platform the item it drops will not come down and you have to reset to get it. Annoying asfk
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I lost 500k runes because of the inquisitor guy dealing a huge amount of damage even with shield and resistants meanwhile I can tank most bosses ! truly one of the enemies of all time
- Anonymous
For anyone who wants to see better, don't forget you can craft glowstones and drop them around the catacombs. It doesn't last that long, but stays lit for a few minutes.
- Anonymous
Highly recommend going in with the lamenter's lanturn. That thing really brightens things up to see threats.
- Anonymous
Hah I get it. Dark, light, catacombs. I wish more dungeons were like this.
- Anonymous
One of the only saving graces of catacombs in the base game was they were optional.
But you HAVE to do this one to get access of one of the most interesting areas of the dlc, how fun! at least this have a interesting arena to be fought on. Even still, feels like a giant middle finger
- Anonymous
I had the same thing happen to me with the huge Cannon Imp. I went back through the catacomb and it had respawned. Killed it with the lights on and the platformed dropped this time and it dropped a Great Ghost Glovewort.
- Anonymous
You can also get +3 stamina talisman and the big cannon imp summon in here
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The huge Cannon Imp dropped a legendary Item and I can't reach it, because I killed it when it was elevated. After a restart, the item is gone.
What did he drop?
- Anonymous
Any idea what does the giant bigmouth imp on the 3rd floor drop? I killed it with a bow before turning on the lights and lowering the platform it stands on, and when I pulled the lever the drop remained up in the air. I reloaded the game, hoping it would fall on the ground, but it was gone :c I think it was a legendary, maybe a +10 glovewort?
- Anonymous
Further clarification: The death knight set is through the really small gap in the railing. There's a gap right next to the stake of marika, that leads to a shadow rune. The death knight set is through a gap below the switch to turn on the lights, and the gap is very small.
- Anonymous
Did you know there was a treashure chest in the dungeon? You probably missed it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Death Knight set: on the second level look at the railing, there is a small broken point, look down and you will see small platform to drop
- Anonymous
Death Knight armor location: After going through the start of this area you will cross a small bridge and find an elevator that takes you down to a more open area. Go down the first staircase, kill the imp on the left and before you go down the second staircase you will notice a tiny section of the guard rail is missing. Carefully drop down to the small patch of platform and be careful of a mage on the right side corner as you enter the room. The set will be on the left on a body.
- Anonymous
After the first stake of Marika, in the first big room with stairs, there's a gap in the railing. Drop down (ideally after flipping the lights on) to get the Death Knight armor set.
- Anonymous
I also found the Viridian Amber Medallion + 3 in there, right after the first canon imp. Jump over on the ledge to the right and then drop down to that small archway under it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
For anyone who killed big cannon imp before lowering the platform, You can rest at grace and come back to kill it again for loot
- Anonymous
If you didn't get the legendary loot and are curious, its a GREAT GHOST GLOVEWORT
Don't bother too much about it, you won't lose it if its stuck in the air, just reload the area (or commit suicide to respawn at the stake of marika nearby) and it will be guaranteed as long as you kill it (apparently they are called bigmouth imps)
- Anonymous
If you defeat the large cannon imp and his item gets stuck in the air, respawn him by going to a grace or dying. The large imp will respawn and drop the glovewort again once you defeat him a second time.
- Anonymous
Also killed big cannon imp before lowering platform. Loot stuck in air. RIP
- Anonymous
Killed the big stupid cannon imp before dropping the platform and it dropped its loot up high where it was unreachable. Anyone know what it drops?
- Anonymous
Well, the big imp statue dropped a legendary item, but it stayed in the air after the platform lowered, i reloaded the game and now its gone, no idea what it was
FromSoft spaghetti code in full display at this catacomb