Azur's Glintstone Set

azurs full set 2
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 13.6
VS Strike 12.6
VS Slash 9.7
VS Pierce 10.9
Magic 29.2
Fire 24.6
Ligt 25.2
Holy 26.5
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Immunity 109
Robustness 63
Focus 204
Vitality 186
Poise 21

Armor Set 14.3 Weight

Azur's Glintstone Set is an Armor Set in Elden RingSets of Armor in Elden Ring are usually composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor. Azur's Glintstone Set features prominent blue-green glintstones on the helmet and shoulders attached to a ragged silk cloak.


Where to find Azur's Glintstone Set in Elden Ring

All three armor pieces can be found after completing Sorceress Sellen's Questline and siding with her towards the end, return to Primeval Sorcerer Azur's location. The full set will be where the Sorcerer used to be located. [Elden Ring Map here]



Azur's Glintstone Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring


Azur's Glintstone Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips

  • This set has the highest Magic damage negation in the game
  • The crown increases the damage of Comet Azur by 15%, and increases the damage of Glintstone Cometshard and Comet by 10%, but also increases the FP cost of all Sorceries by 15%, rounded up.
  • Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.



All Azur's Glintstone Set Pieces for Elden Ring

You can check out all the Azur's Glintstone Set Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.

Azur's Glintstone Crown

azurs glintstone crown elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 2.8
VS Strike 2.3
VS Slash 2.5
VS Pierce 2.5
Magic 5.8
Fire 4.6
Light 4.7
Holy 5
Immunity 23
Robustness 14
Focus 44
Vitality 39
Poise 4
Helm Wgt. 3.6

Azur's Glintstone Robe

azurs glintstone robe elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 7.1
VS Strike 6.1
VS Slash 6.7
VS Pierce 6.7
Magic 15.4
Fire 12.8
Light 13
Holy 13.8
Immunity 50
Robustness 28
Focus 99
Vitality 83
Poise 12
Chest Armor Wgt. 7.1

Azur's Manchettes

azurs manchettes elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 1
VS Strike 0.1
VS Slash 0.6
VS Pierce 0.6
Magic 3.4
Fire 2.8
Ligt 2.9
Holy 3.2
Immunity 12
Robustness 8
Focus 22
Vitality 20
Poise 1
Gauntlet Wgt. 1.1

Old Sorcerer's Legwraps

old sorcerers legwraps elden ring wiki guide 200px
Damage Negation
Phy 3.4
VS Strike 1.5
VS Slash 3.4
VS Pierce 1.5
Magic 8.1
Fire 6.8
Ligt 7.2
Holy 7.3
Immunity 24
Robustness 13
Focus 39
Vitality 44
Poise 4
Gauntlet Wgt. 2.5


Elden Ring Armor Sets
Alberich's Set  â™¦  Albinauric Set  â™¦  All-Knowing Set  â™¦  Aristocrat Set  â™¦  Astrologer Set  â™¦  Bandit Set  â™¦  Banished Knight Set  â™¦  Battlemage Set  â™¦  Beast Champion Set  â™¦  Black Knife Set  â™¦  Blackflame Monk Set  â™¦  Blaidd's Set  â™¦  Bloodhound Knight Set  â™¦  Bloodsoaked Set  â™¦  Blue Cloth Set  â™¦  Blue Festive Set  â™¦  Blue Silver Set  â™¦  Brave's Set  â™¦  Briar Set  â™¦  Bull-Goat Set  â™¦  Carian Knight Set  â™¦  Chain Set  â™¦  Champion Set  â™¦  Cleanrot Set  â™¦  Commoner's Set  â™¦  Confessor Set  â™¦  Consort's Set  â™¦  Crucible Axe Set  â™¦  Crucible Tree Set  â™¦  Cuckoo Knight Set  â™¦  Deathbed Set  â™¦  Depraved Perfumer Set  â™¦  Drake Knight Set  â™¦  Duelist Set  â™¦  Eccentric Set  â™¦  Elden Lord Set  â™¦  Errant Sorcerer Set  â™¦  Exile Set  â™¦  Festive Set  â™¦  Fia's Set  â™¦  Finger Maiden Set  â™¦  Fingerprint Set  â™¦  Fire Monk Set  â™¦  Fire Prelate Set  â™¦  Fur Set  â™¦  Gelmir Knight Set  â™¦  General Radahn Set  â™¦  Godrick Foot Soldier Set  â™¦  Godrick Knight Set  â™¦  Godrick Soldier Set  â™¦  Godskin Apostle Set  â™¦  Godskin Noble Set  â™¦  Goldmask's Set  â™¦  Guardian Set  â™¦  Guilty Set  â™¦  Haligtree Foot Soldier Set  â™¦  Haligtree Knight Set  â™¦  Haligtree Soldier Set  â™¦  High Page Set  â™¦  Highwayman Set  â™¦  Hoslow's Set  â™¦  House Marais Set  â™¦  Iron Set  â™¦  Juvenile Scholar Set  â™¦  Kaiden Set  â™¦  Knight Set  â™¦  Land of Reeds Set  â™¦  Lazuli Sorcerer Set  â™¦  Leather Set  â™¦  Leyndell Foot Soldier Set  â™¦  Leyndell Knight Set  â™¦  Leyndell Soldier Set  â™¦  Lionel's Set  â™¦  Lusat's Set  â™¦  Malenia's Set  â™¦  Malformed Dragon Set  â™¦  Maliketh's Set  â™¦  Marionette Soldier Set  â™¦  Mausoleum Foot Soldier Set  â™¦  Mausoleum Knight Set  â™¦  Mausoleum Soldier Set  â™¦  Millicent's Set  â™¦  Mushroom Set  â™¦  Night's Cavalry Set  â™¦  Night Maiden Set  â™¦  Noble's Set  â™¦  Nomadic Merchant's Set  â™¦  Nox Monk Set  â™¦  Nox Swordstress Set  â™¦  Old Aristocrat Set  â™¦  Omen Set  â™¦  Omenkiller Set  â™¦  Page Set  â™¦  Perfumer Set  â™¦  Perfumer Traveler's Set  â™¦  Preceptor's Set  â™¦  Prisoner Set  â™¦  Prophet Set  â™¦  Queen of the Full Moon Set  â™¦  Radahn Foot Soldier Set  â™¦  Radahn Soldier Set  â™¦  Ragged Set  â™¦  Raging Wolf Set  â™¦  Raptor's Set  â™¦  Raya Lucarian Foot Soldier Set  â™¦  Raya Lucarian Soldier Set  â™¦  Redmane Knight Set  â™¦  Ronin's Set  â™¦  Rotten Duelist Set  â™¦  Royal Knight Set  â™¦  Royal Remains Set  â™¦  Ruler's Set  â™¦  Sage Set  â™¦  Sanguine Noble Set  â™¦  Sanguine Set  â™¦  Scaled Set  â™¦  Shaman Set  â™¦  Snow Witch Set  â™¦  Spellblade Set  â™¦  Traveler's Set  â™¦  Traveling Maiden Set  â™¦  Tree Sentinel Set  â™¦  Twinned Set  â™¦  Vagabond Knight Set  â™¦  Veteran's Set  â™¦  Vulgar Militia Set  â™¦  War Surgeon Set  â™¦  White Reed Set  â™¦  Zamor Set

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    • Anonymous

      When you have larger helmets the crystals on the robes shrink, what would be the best helmet to have that would still have the robes crystals at max length

      • Anonymous

        Jerren = Ancient Dragon SS, his armor
        Sellen = Jerren's Armor, Her Bell Bearing, Shard Spiral, Azur Glintstone Set, Lusat Set, Glintstone Kris

        So you either go for the ADSS or lots of caster stuff.
        Shard Spiral is the strongest spell in the game.
        Glintstone Kris is a magic dagger for spamming Comets
        The two armor sets have good magic defense and increase types of spells.

        Personally I'd go caster stuff, you get plenty of ADSS.

        • Anonymous

          Jerren = Ancient Dragon SS, his armor
          Sellen = Jerren's Armor, Her Bell Bearing, Shard Spiral, Azur Glintstone Set, Lusat Set, Glintstone Kris

          So you either go for the ADSS or lots of caster stuff.
          Shard Spiral is the strongest spell in the game.
          Glintstone Kris is a magic dagger for spamming Comets
          The two armor sets have good magic defense and increase types of spells.

          Personally I'd go caster stuff, you get plenty of ADSS.

          • Anonymous

            do you need to side with Sellen for them to drop? So you have to choose between this armor or ancient dragon smithing stone ?

            • Anonymous

              In case anyone didn't notice like the fellow below me, you get the leggings from Lusat, not Azur. They're part of both set, however

              • Anonymous

                Wearing this set seems to have dramatically increased the drop rate of glintstone scrap from Sorcerer Miners. Haven't done any testing to see if it affects anything else like this.

                • Anonymous

                  Only the helmet gives you the damage boost. The robes and legs do not affect it. It's a 15% damage increase.

                  • Anonymous

                    i hate doing questlines cuz when i do one, i get things wrong and fail which surprises me in a stressful way

                    • Anonymous

                      Does the +15% cost for more power work when you are wearing the hole set, or is it just the helm and i can just get tanky clothes under or something

                      • Anonymous

                        Both Crowns boost all Comet & Star sorceries.

                        Azur's boost is greater for Comet sorceries

                        Lusat's is greater for Star sorceries

                        • Anonymous

                          While looting Azur's set doesn't give you any leg armor, the leg armor you get from looting Lustat's set are technically part of this set as well and match it perfectly.

                          • Anonymous

                            So I think I've finally figured this and Azur's helms out. Basically they give you a flat FP increase for all spells and buff their damage slightly. The real crux of why this was so hard to nail down is the bonus is different for different spells. For Example: Lusats helm scales up damage higher with Stars of Ruin, Star shower, Glintstone stars over using Azur's helm, Azur's helm boosts the Glintstone comet, Comet, Azur's Comet spells more than using Lusats helm. Either helm boosts damage with the same spells over no helm, only that specific spells benefit more depending on the helm.

                            • Anonymous

                              If you don't side with Sellen you wont get the armor from Azur or Lusat, be warned. You will however get a Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone if you don't side with her so outweight the usefullness of each.

                              • Anonymous

                                what do i actually do, when i attacked sellens body in the south, she isnt anymore at the location where she used to be XD

                                • Anonymous

                                  You need to help sellen to get the armor set. If you don't take her side, you won't get the two teachers sets.

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