Thiollier's Concoction |
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Causes immediate death if imbibed by an ordinary human
FP Cost | - |
Thiollier's Concoction is a Consumable Item in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Most Consumables grant various effects such as restorative properties for recovering HP, removing certain negative status effects or applying temporary buffs and debuffs, while others can be thrown at enemies to deal damage.
An ebony-black concoction mixed by Thiollier.
A condensed, somniferous elixir, purported to be capable of
putting even an ancient dragon to sleep. For an ordinary mortal, a
single sip would assuredly result in swift and certain death.
Thiollier thought of St. Trina's sleep when he created this, but the
ebony sleep he concocted had not the sweetness of nectar nor the
gentleness of rest's embrace.
Where to find Thiollier's Concoction in Elden Ring
- Given by Thiollier after giving him the Black Syrup then asking him about it and saying you are "weary of life". He will then sell more of the concoction in his shop for 30,000 runes each.
- Sold by the Twin Maiden Husks after giving them Moore's Bell Bearing. Players must have received a concoction from Thiollier first for the item to become available.
- NOTE: this item becomes unobtainable if the Black Syrup is not given to Thiollier before he leaves his original location nearby the Pillar Path Cross.
Thiollier's Concoction use in Elden Ring
- Will instantly kill the player if used.
- Can be given to the Dragon Communion Priestess while she sleeps as part of her questline for alternative rewards.
- Does not replenish if used in the Colosseums.
Elden Ring Thiollier's Concoction Notes & Tips
- You can hold up to 99 Thiollier's Concoction.
- You can store up to 600 Thiollier's Concoction.
- This item is not tradeable.
- Sell Value:
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It’s weird how you can buy them endlessly when only one is needed for the quest line. I suppose it would break the game but it would be cool if you could use them to craft some type of instant kill arrow or bolt.
- Anonymous
...u can buy more than one? I already gave up on the questline cuz I thought I wasted my only concoction
- Anonymous
had a dream where you could mix this, celestial dew, tonic of forgetfulness and the amber draught together to optionally use on miquella after beating radahn to put him into another slumber, this time it would be for eternity and in his dream world he would go on to be retroactively referenced as quella, god of dreams from ds2
- Anonymous
Aww cmon why make this unable to be dropped to players… I wanted to try and trick people into using it lol.
- Anonymous
I've discovered a pretty nice usage for this. In Rivermouth Cave, after you defeat the boss, you can use these to farm the (mostly) passive bloodfiends. Just drink the potion inside the boss room and you'll spawn at the stake of Marika. The bloodfiends are right outside the boss room and drop 1800 runes each, meaning it just about pays for itself, but if you're looking to farm bloodfiend forks and legs, this is a really easy way to do it.
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costs about 20.8 million for a full stack of 699, easiest choice i've ever made in my entire life
- Anonymous
ok im on ng+103 now and u can only hold 99 of these at a time :(
- Anonymous
Okay this concoction has one known use, and its in united combat and combat ordeal. when fighting in combat ordeal oor united combat points are rewarded to the person who delivers the killing blow to the opponent. who ever kills the opponent with killing blow gets the point and is rewarded with a flask. However if you find yourself low on health you can use the concotion and because the poition kills you upon consumption the oppenent didnt technically kill you because he didnt deliver the killing blow so they dont get the point and they do not get flasks so they essentially used up all their fp and reasources and is probably low on health while you get a free respawn with no penalty. I've witnessed this persnally when fighting in coloseum combat.
there are a few questions i do have about the use of it in arena combat. 1 is how long does the effects take to kick in?/ howw long does it take for death animation to happen? do you get hyper armour or can you get interrupted when using the potion? or are you locked into the animation as soon as you press it? How does dying to the potion affect k/d in united combat? how is supreme combatant selected?
Depending on the answeres to these questions this can be a really powerful tool in coloseum combat but only in united combat and combat ordeal, because in dual you automatically lose if you die no matter how you die. i dont have the potion myself so i cannot test this nor can this be dropped, i think it cannot be dropped to a person who doesnt have it.
- Anonymous
Okay this concoction has one known use, and its in united combat and combat ordeal. when fighting in combat ordeal oor united combat points are rewarded to the person who delivers the killing blow to the opponent. who ever kills the opponent with killing blow gets the point and is rewarded with a flask. However if you find yourself low on health you can use the concotion and because the poition kills you upon consumption the oppenent didnt technically kill you because he didnt deliver the killing blow so they dont get the point and they do not get flasks so they essentially used up all their fp and reasources and is probably low on health while you get a free respawn with no penalty. I've witnessed this persnally when fighting in coloseum combat.
there are a few questions i do have about the use of it in arena combat. 1 is how long does the effects take to kick in?/ howw long does it take for death animation to happen? do you get hyper armour or can you get interrupted when using the potion? or are you locked into the animation as soon as you press it? How does dying to the potion affect k/d in united combat? how is supreme combatant selected?
Depending on the answeres to these questions this can be a really powerful tool in coloseum combat but only in united combat and combat ordeal, because in dual you automatically lose if you die no matter how you die. i dont have the potion myself so i cannot test this nor can this be dropped, i think it cannot be dropped to a person who doesnt have it.
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It is with a heavy heart that I share that your mimic does NOT drink this if you leave it equipped on your hotbar
- Anonymous
Got invaded and made the dude chase me halfway across the map, only to turn around to face him and chug some purple drink. You could see the confusion from space.
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If only we could trade these and use them as currency so runes don't get wasted at higher levels
- Anonymous
As long as you give the black syrup and get the ability to buy the Thiollier's Concoction from Thiollier...later when you get Moore's bell bearing, you're able to continue to buy the Thiollier's Concoction from the Round Table. So if you're worried about not being able to infinitely buy the Thiollier's Concoction after Thiollier moves location, have not fear because you can buy it with Moore's bell bearing.
- Anonymous
Given the nature of Thiollier’s concoction, it feels heavily inspired by Dreambrew. Dreambrew was cut from the final release; you could give it to NPCs as alcohol to make them pass out, then listen in on their dreams and secrets. Notably, Gideon and Seluvis would recognize the drink and refuse your offer.
- Anonymous
You cant give it to other people, fun never be a option. Very Sad.
- Anonymous
I bought all thiolliers items he had in inventory, then rested at sight of grace to level up before continuing his quest. Now I can't give black syrup to get this item. RIP
- Anonymous
Just tested it as a summoned adcersary. Droped the concoction for the host to receive. Host could not see the concoction (I was the host too. I saw the screen and where the item should have been).
So whatever you do, get the Black Syrup from Moore BEFORE telling him to do anything! (Now I gotta go to NG+3 just for the Florissax summon, fml)
- Anonymous
"Does not replenish if used in the Colosseums."
Crap. I thought about doing an "I give up" gag every time I enter a match, but it ain't worth wasting runes for.
- Anonymous
Nice to mention Thiollier's concoction at the end after it's too late. To quote Patches, Cheers for that!
- Anonymous
I wish there was a deathblight version of this that just instantly turns you into a tree.
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I was so happy to see a new money sink for all the runes I get from coop aaaaaand I already have 699. Okay, maybe just a lil sip.
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It would have been more fun if we could give this item to other npcs, such as Ranni.
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I ducking missed this item because I told Moore to put everything behind him. God I feel like an absolute idiot
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use this item to drop all runes and return to last site of grace visited or to a marika statue in range
- Anonymous
this item is so useful i spent 400000 runes to get 99 of it so i can always use this
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Actually a good item. Summoned to a ganker's world as a cooperator? Play along, wait for an invader, wait for the invader to use flasks. Drink the concoction.
- Anonymous
I really wish this had more uses because this item is funny as hell. Like, if this triggered law of causality you could make the funniest build of all time
- Anonymous
I like using this during duels or invasions not worthy of my time on high levels. On low levels tho, it is boom tear
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in penance for taking the priestesses sleep from plaucidusax, remember to give him this in person
alternatively, you can always put him to sleep... permanently
- Anonymous
If you're like me and messed up Thiollier's questline and made his bell bearing unobtainable, the concoction can be bought at the Twin Maiden husks through Moore's bell bearing instead.
- Anonymous
Why can you buy a second one of these? Is there somewhere else you can use it other than on the Dragon Priestess?
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not sure why it says you need "thiollier's bell bearing"(which doesnt exist i dont think) to buy another concoction. Instead i found it's sold at the twin maiden husks when you give them Moore's bell bearing.
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grab one of these and chug it by roderika, your dropped runes will give her a brighter reading light than those little candles
- Anonymous
if only white mask swift slash spammers would do us all a favor and drink this irl
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Alas, mimic tear will not use it if you put it on your hotbar
- Anonymous
The only item necessary for a Japanese Salary Worker cosplay build.
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I got this without ever finding the Dragon Priestess. Went all the way to Bayle without a map, and my dumbass thought I had to drink it just before he does his bite grab.
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So it's basically Bite Down from Sekiro but costs 1000x more
- Anonymous
Cannot actually be given to Ranni as someone else said in the comments. Makes sense since she's not in the DLC. As far as we know, this can only be used on the priestess and yourself, which is probably why you can get more than one.
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- Anonymous
Does this lock you in an impervious state once you use it? Like, nothing can hurt you and you'll only be killed by the concoction?
made my name "Use This Gift!" and invaded about a dozen people. they would never pick it up, but would then pickup runes when i dropped them, so unfortunately i dont think they can see it despite it being a consumable. have yet to test if invaders can see it bc despite being taunter's tongued for over an hour i didnt see any invaders.
- Anonymous
Will I be able to buy more of these? I've done Thiollier's quest up to the part with St Trina. Says it can be bought with Moore's bell bearing, but that page doesn't list it and the comments are conflicting. And to top it off, I don't remember what I told Moore before he disappeared, so I'm not sure where he is anyways.
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Don't let the item description distract you from the fact this is a Grimace shake in disguise
also cheers btw
- Anonymous
Someone mentioned earlier that you can give this to Ranni, has anyone tried that yet?
- Anonymous
Give this to the dragon cultist lady at night time to put her to sleep, then kill bayle and return to her, then admit you put her to sleep, youll get her ash to summon her, but youll lock yourself out of getting her heart.
Luckily! theres another way to turn into a dragon in the form of the stone heart item, be sure to thoroughly read the steps before engaging in this quest so you dont lock yourself out of anything.
- Anonymous
peak elden ring item my fellow tarnished, will spare you the pain and trauma of fighting horrific creatures and divine entities. 10/10 must have for everyone. Invaded? pop this, dont give the bastard the satisfaction. You are invading and realize they are scummy gank squadders? pop this, dont give them the satisfaction of dog piling you. Elden ring too hard for you? pop this and smile because those dirty bastards can't hurt you anymore :D
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This was bugged for me. Latest update? I had it in my inventory and, after defeating Bayle, had no option to use it. Instead, the Priestess was gone and I picked up her weapon and heart.
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I thought it would be a throwable item for the ghost flame dragon... ran right up to it and gulped it down and died at his feet lmao
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I tried it expecting like for the character to slowly fall asleep, not expecting near instant death. You don’t even get to drink it, you just lift it up and die
- Anonymous
i kept this thinking it was some insanely important quest item but nah its just a krill your shelf button lmao
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love using these after helping a host kill a boss to see how they'll react
- Anonymous
If you gift this to an invaider and they drink it, you better post it on YT.
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I ended up breaking the great rune early and now I can't get the concotion (I wanted it for the dragon priest). Any other way I can get it?
- Anonymous
I cannot get this. I never got it but gave the bell bearing to the maiden husks. Is there any way to salvage without starting NG+?
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Haven't done anything with this. Just got the freebie and then bought like 90 more.
- Anonymous
feed it to the dragon priestess while she's talking to her dragon lord beyond time at night
- Anonymous
Is there a different way to obtain it if you didn't receive it through giving him the black syrup? Or is it tradable? I missed that part of the quest unfortunately
- Anonymous
You can buy more off of Thiollier for 30k runes if you were an idiot like me and drank it.
- Anonymous
I was reading the description getting all excited this would be some special item to transport me to a dream area or something. Nah, it just flat out did what it said it does...killed me xD
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Thollier: So this will basically kill you.
Me: instantly travels around the map trying to feed this to the NPCs
- Anonymous
Can... you drop this for other people?
Because this would be the most BM way to end invasions, pointing to one of these for either end.
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Im super glad i accidentally progressed Moores questline before I even found Thollier and now I cant get this. Great game design. 11/10 dlc.
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I used it while transformed as a lamenter and it killed me.
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Does it only give you the option once to give her the concoction? I spoke to her multiple times before killing Bayle and never got a prompt, pretty sure I had it in my inventory the first time as well
- Anonymous
I missed out on the first part of Moore and Thio's quest since I broke the Rune too early. Moore just left and is nowhere to be found, and Thiollier headed out to "you know where". No more shop services either. Am I ****ed?
- Anonymous
Looks like Moore can sell you an infinite amount of this after you finish Thiollier's questline (I think?)
Just used it at the roundtable and my runes actually are on the ground there, I wonder if other players can see that bloodstain?
- Anonymous
It seems like this item doesn't appear for other players if you drop it in a multiplayer session, the same way that too-highly-upgraded weapons don't appear
- Anonymous
oh, I just drank it myself immediately, can confirm was not a pleasing slumber
- Anonymous
I used the Priestess Heart to turn myself into a dragon and drank the concoction just to immediately die
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I used the Priestess Heart to transform myself into a dragon and used the concoction just to immediately die
- Anonymous
Ugh, locked out...