Margit's Shackle

margits shackle elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Binds Margit and  Morgott two times per battle
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
FP Cost -

Margit's Shackle is a Tool in Elden Ring. Tools are unique, reusable items which assist the player during various facets of gameplay ranging from basic communication to assisting in boss encounters.


A fetish bathed in golden magic. Shackles were used to bind the accursed people called the Omen, and these ones were made to keep a particular Omen under strictest confinement.

Though faint, the shackles still retain vestiges of power — enough to trap the once-bound Margit on earth, if only for a short time.



Where to find Margit's Shackle in Elden Ring

Can be purchased from Patches for runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 5000 Runes in Murkwater Cave. [Map Link] After he becomes available as a merchant. Or it can be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold, after giving them Patches's Bell BearingVideo Location

Margit's Shackle use in Elden Ring

Margit's Shackle, when used during one of Margit's boss fights, causes Margit to violently slam against the floor, inflicting no damage, but stunning him for a brief moment. This effect will also interrupt anything Margit was doing at the time. The effect of this item can only be activated twice during the boss fight and only during Margit's first phase. Attempting to use the shackle otherwise will have the player go through the animation, but will have no effect whatsoever.


Elden Ring Margit's Shackle Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 1 Margit's Shackle.
  • You can store up to 600 Margit's Shackle.
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px N/A
  • Margit's Shackle will also work similarly during the boss fight with Morgott, the Omen King.
  • While it might be an oversight, Margit's Shackle (as well as Mohg's Shackle) can be used to dispel nearby illusory walls and trigger some dungeon traps that require striking, in particular, it can be used to trigger the fire pillar trap within Auriza Hero's Grave from as far away as the small area beside a pit, just before the incline leading to the dungeon's first Chariot, allowing the three Chariots in the dungeon to collide and be destroyed with considerably little effort. Supposedly, this effect is due to the shackle releasing an invisible, large range explosion that deals no damage, but hits everything in its range. Please note, Mohg's Shackle has less range than Margit's Shackle. This is likely due to the fact that you can encounter Margit once out on the field, so they gave his shackle a greater range to compensate for this.
Elden Ring Reusable
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Grease  ♦  Drawstring Golden Grease  ♦  Drawstring Holy Grease  ♦  Drawstring Lightning Grease  ♦  Drawstring Magic Grease  ♦  Drawstring Messmerfire Grease  ♦  Drawstring Poison Grease  ♦  Drawstring Rot Grease  ♦  Drawstring Royal Magic Grease  ♦  Elden Remembrance  ♦  Eternal Sleep Grease  ♦  Eternal Sleep Pot  ♦  Exalted Flesh  ♦  Explosive Stone  ♦  Explosive Stone Clump  ♦  Fan Daggers  ♦  Festive Grease  ♦  Fetid Flesh  ♦  Fetid Pot  ♦  Fingerprint Nostrum  ♦  Fire Blossom  ♦  Fire Grease  ♦  Fire Pot  ♦  Fireproof Dried Liver  ♦  Fireproof Pickled Liver  ♦  Flask of Cerulean Tears  ♦  Flask of Crimson Tears  ♦  Flask of Wondrous Physick  ♦  Freezing Grease  ♦  Freezing Pot  ♦  Frenzied Flame Pot  ♦  Frenzyflame Stone  ♦  Frozen Raisin  ♦  Furlcalling Finger Remedy  ♦  Ghost Glovewort (3)  ♦  Giantsflame Fire Pot  ♦  Glass Shard  ♦  Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Glowstone  ♦  Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Golden Centipede  ♦  Golden Grease  ♦  Golden Horn Tender  ♦  Golden Rowa  ♦  Golden Rune (1)  ♦  Golden Rune (11)  ♦  Golden Rune (13)  ♦  Golden Rune (2)  ♦  Golden Rune (3)  ♦  Golden Rune (4)  ♦  Golden Rune (6)  ♦  Golden Rune (8)  ♦  Golden Runes  ♦  Gourmet Scorpion Stew  ♦  Gourmet Scorpion Stew (2)  ♦  Grace Mimic  ♦  Grave Glovewort (1)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (2)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (4)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (5)  ♦  Gravity Stone Chunk  ♦  Gravity Stone Fan  ♦  Heavy Meteorite Fragment  ♦  Hefty Fetid Pot  ♦  Hefty Fire Pot  ♦  Hefty Fly Pot  ♦  Hefty Freezing Pot  ♦  Hefty Frenzied Flame Pot  ♦  Hefty Furnace Pot  ♦  Hefty Lightning Pot  ♦  Hefty Magic Pot  ♦  Hefty Oil Pot  ♦  Hefty Poison Pot  ♦  Hefty Rancor Pot  ♦  Hefty Red Lightning Pot  ♦  Hefty Rock Pot  ♦  Hefty Rot Pot  ♦  Hefty Volcano Pot  ♦  Hero's Rune (1)  ♦  Hero's Rune (2)  ♦  Hero's Rune (5)  ♦  Holy Grease  ♦  Holy Water Grease  ♦  Holy Water Pot  ♦  Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Holyproof Dried Liver  ♦  Holyproof Pickled Liver  ♦  Host's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing White Cured Meat  ♦  Innard Meat  ♦  Invigorating Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating White Cured Meat  ♦  Iris of Grace  ♦  Iris of Occultation  ♦  Ironjar Aromatic  ♦  Kukri  ♦  Lamenter's Mask  ♦  Lands Between Rune  ♦  Large Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Leda's Rune  ♦  Lightning Grease  ♦  Lightning Pot  ♦  Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Lightningproof Dried Liver  ♦  Lightningproof Pickled Liver  ♦  Lord's Rune  ♦  Lulling Branch  ♦  Magic Grease  ♦  Magic Pot  ♦  Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Marika's Rune  ♦  Melted Mushroom  ♦  Messmerfire Grease  ♦  Mimic's Veil  ♦  Miquella's Needle  ♦  Miranda's Prayer  ♦  Mohg's Shackle  ♦  Neutralizing Boluses  ♦  Numen's Rune  ♦  Oil Pot  ♦  Omen Bairn  ♦  Opaline Pickled Liver  ♦  Pauper's Rune  ♦  Pickled Turtle Neck  ♦  Poison Grease  ♦  Poison Pot  ♦  Poison Spraymist  ♦  Poisonbone Dart  ♦  Poisoned Stone  ♦  Poisoned Stone Clump  ♦  Polter Stone  ♦  Prattling Pate Lamentation  ♦  Prattling Pate Let's get to it  ♦  Prattling Pate My Beloved  ♦  Prattling Pate Please help  ♦  Prattling Pate Wonderful  ♦  Prattling Pate You're Beautiful  ♦  Preserving Boluses  ♦  Priestess Heart  ♦  Pureblood Knight's Medal  ♦  Radiant Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Rainbow Stone  ♦  Rancor Pot  ♦  Raw Meat Dumpling  ♦  Red Lightning Pot  ♦  Regal Omen Bairn  ♦  Rejuvenating Boluses  ♦  Remebrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of a God and a Lord  ♦  Remembrance of Hoarah Loux  ♦  Remembrance of Putrescence  ♦  Remembrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of the Blasphemous  ♦  Remembrance of the Blood Lord  ♦  Remembrance of the Dancing Lion  ♦  Remembrance of the Dragonlord  ♦  Remembrance of the Fire Giant  ♦  Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen  ♦  Remembrance of the Grafted  ♦  Remembrance of the Impaler  ♦  Remembrance of the Lichdragon  ♦  Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame  ♦  Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers  ♦  Remembrance of the Naturalborn  ♦  Remembrance of the Omen King  ♦  Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor  ♦  Remembrance of the Rot Goddess  ♦  Remembrance of the Saint of the Bud  ♦  Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower  ♦  Remembrance of the Starscourge  ♦  Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight  ♦  Remembrance of the Wild Boar Rider  ♦  Rimed Crystal Bud  ♦  Rock Heart  ♦  Roped Fetid Pot  ♦  Roped Fire Pot  ♦  Roped Fly Pot  ♦  Roped Freezing Pot  ♦  Roped Frenzied Flame Pot  ♦  Roped Holy Water Pot  ♦  Roped Lightning Pot  ♦  Roped Magic Pot  ♦  Roped Oil Pot  ♦  Roped Poison Pot  ♦  Roped Volcano Pot  ♦  Rot Grease  ♦  Rot Pot  ♦  Rowa Raisin  ♦  Royal Magic Grease  ♦  Rune Arc  ♦  Rune of an Unsung Hero  ♦  Sacramental Bud  ♦  Sacred Bloody Flesh  ♦  Sacred Order Pot  ♦  Scadutree Fragment  ♦  Scorpion Stew  ♦  Scorpion Stew (2)  ♦  Scriptstone  ♦  Shadow Realm Rune (1)  ♦  Shadow Realm Rune (2)  ♦  Shadow Realm Rune (3)  ♦  Shadow Realm Rune (4)  ♦  Shadow Realm Rune (5)  ♦  Shadow Realm Rune (6)  ♦  Shadow Realm Rune (7)  ♦  Shield Grease  ♦  Silver Horn Tender  ♦  Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Sleep Pot  ♦  Soap  ♦  Soft Cotton  ♦  Soporific Grease  ♦  Spark Aromatic  ♦  Spellproof Dried Liver  ♦  Spellproof Pickled Liver  ♦  Spirit Raisin  ♦  Stanching Boluses  ♦  Starlight Shards  ♦  Stimulating Boluses  ♦  Swarm Pot  ♦  Sweet Raisin  ♦  Thawfrost Boluses  ♦  Thiollier's Concoction  ♦  Throwing Dagger  ♦  Uplifting Aromatic  ♦  Volcanic Stone  ♦  Volcano Pot  ♦  Warming Stone  ♦  Well-Pickled Turtle Neck  ♦  Winged Crystal Tear  ♦  Wraith Calling Bell


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    • Anonymous

      The DLC added a new use for this item. The rockpiles you need to destroy to activate sealed spiritsprings are triggered with this item. Its AoE is so massive, you don't even need to look for the rock pile.

      • Anonymous

        Oh great that I just bought this from Patches at Liurnia because I thought the price surely makes that something important to have....

        • Anonymous

          As of v1.14, Margit's Shackle causes some seated/waiting enemies to start their patrol routes. For patrolling enemies it draws attention. The range is iffy but it saves arrows.

          • Anonymous

            Super cool of Fromsoft to add an item like this, even if its secondary effects may have been accidental. The hidden wall mechanic is great fun, but spending time rolling around the edges of suspicious rooms kinda breaks the verisimilitude.

            • Anonymous

              Does anybody know what the actual range is on this, or a good place to test it for myself? I'd like to know for science.

              • Anonymous

                this item actually has some limited use in pvp as an invader - it does not seem to work when playing as host. if you use the shackle and the host is in range of its large, invisible hitbox, combat will be initiated and will start stamina consumption. you can use this if a player is running from you and not in combat so they do not have infinite stam to keep running, and you can use it to begin stamina consumption to set up various no stam glitches from a safe distance.

                • Anonymous

                  If you kill patches take his bearing to the finger sisters at roundtable hold and you can buy it.
                  I'd already killed Margit before I even found patches cave.

                  • Anonymous

                    I've been all over wiki looking for the **** people used in catacombs to move the pillars, turns out I had it all along.

                    • Anonymous

                      1. This one and other shackle reveals secret walls in a HUMONGUOS area. Literally used in cave where u get crow assassin coat that boost your air dmg attacks and it revealed ALL walls in the dungeon
                      2. It can trigger towers in dungeons (like ones that spit fire , frost etc) also in HUGE area
                      So yeah... the shackles actually one of the best items in the game

                      • Anonymous

                        I dont see how this item is worth it. Takes the same amount of time to drink a flask as to use this to interrupt morgott for just under a second... Nearly the amount of time it took to use. So much easier just to dodge whatever attack you were hoping to interrupt since morgotts attack as so long and telegraphed and easily punished after, it maybe lets you get in an extra hit. I tried using this in the fight against Mohg and while it did stop his attacks for a second, it doesnt matter bc over the course of the fight you need to learn to dodge their attacks to win. You need to dodge at least 20 times, saving you 2 extra dodges is not going to help.

                        However being able to trigger those flaming pillars from across the dungeon is super useful.

                        • Anonymous

                          this item can also be used to reveal fake walls and make those fire spitting pillars from the dungeons go up and down without u needing to get close

                          • Anonymous

                            Seen too many players sleep on this item. Aside from making the boss fight easier, it can also trigger traps and reveal hidden walls in a huge radius when used. Definitely worth carrying in quick slot, especially in dungeons.

                            • Anonymous

                              I used right outside the fog wall in Deathtouched Catacombs and when I went in the assassin was at half health before I even hit'em. Don't know if it's a glitch or not,haven't tried the other assassin's yet.

                              • Anonymous

                                The fact it has to be used during the first half is so stupid. Theres no indication or logical reason for that to be the case. Incredibly vague and confusing. Genuinely poor design decision.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Weird question, does this work on the Capital statue for gold mask quest? Since it can trigger illusionary walls and stuff. Just to save respecing for int

                                  • Anonymous

                                    For a 5k rune investment, this thing is quite useful in early coop. There's always someone needing help at the margit fight, and using it at the right time can save the host, or open up the boss to a ton of burst damage. Helping someone defeat him once basically makes up for the sum you paid for it, and if you keep doing it, it will be worth tenfold. Not to mention it has these weird interactions with illusory walls, fire traps, and chariots sometimes.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Good, did not know the uses other than implied by the name and thinking 'must be single use' for the margit fight as a secret way to make it easier. Just got to the point where patches hands me the dancer's. Good.

                                      • Guys I bought it and it's no where in my inventory, been driving myself crazy trying to find it. The store says bought, but it's no where. I bought it after killing margit to use in the auriza side tomb. Wtf

                                        • Anonymous

                                          learned about this item like 20 minutes after killing patches and had a good chuckle that they give you this option since hes easy to parry to death
                                          i did find it weird how such an unrelenting boss was placed in such early game

                                          • PSA: I tend to see a lot of people in co-op spamming shackle items as soon as the fight starts. Don't do this, as it wastes the shackle's influence. Instead, use it right before landing heavy burst damage, especially to their head. Alternatively, if playing co-op another great use is a safety net for a player who's about to be finished off since it comes out fast and has infinite range.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              This can be used to destroy the chariots in Auriza Hero's Grave! Activating it within the dungeon will somehow trigger the fire trap at the bottom of the ramp, which means the third chariot spawns and they all crash into each other and die. Then you can explore the dungeon at your leisure.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                You can freeze Margit's first phase with it :

                                                - I used it twice near Margit fog wall, before entering the battle. That's it.
                                                (Why use twice ? No reason, I didn't try with only one use ^^ )

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  You can freeze Margit's first phase with it :

                                                  - I used it twice near Margit fog wall, before entering the battle. That's it.
                                                  (Why use twice ? No reason, I didn't try with only one use ^^ )

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    i went to far in to the questline and now patches wont show up until i join volcano manor and i didnt buy margits shackle to help out my friend

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      For those asking: the item costs 5000 to aquire. It does not cost runes to use and can be used unlimited number of times (though during a single battle it will bind Margit only twice).

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        If you kill Patches coz everyone wants to, just give his bell to the twin husk in the roundtablehold and his merch will be sold there.

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