Jagged Peak Drake

jagged peak drake 1 elden ring wiki 600px
Locations & Drops

Jagged Peak Foothills:
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 1890,000
Dragon Heart
Dragonscale Flesh

Jagged Peak:
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18120,000
Dragon Heart
Dragonscale Flesh

Stronger VS
Weaker to

Jagged Peak Drake is a Boss in Elden Ring. They are large dragons said to have come from the bloodline of Bayle, and in turn have inherited his power to conjure flame lightning. The first Drake is fought at the foothills of the Jagged Peak, while two others are fought on the way upwards. 
This is an optional boss as players don't need to defeat it to advance in Elden Ring.

Lesser Dragon is the normal enemy form of this boss. Other bosses with the same basic attacks are Flying Dragon Agheel, Flying Dragon GreyllDecaying EkzykesGlintstone Dragon SmaragGlintstone Dragon Adula,Borealis the Freezing Fog, and Ghostflame Dragon. Glintstone Dragon is a normal enemy with the same basic attacks.

See Jagged Peak Drake Lore


Jagged Peak Drake Locations


Jagged Peak Drake Combat information

Negations (or Absorptions)

The negation numbers are the % of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if a negation is 60, 40% of that damage by that type will go through and 60% will be negated. Bigger number = less damage. A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is.


Elden Ring Jagged Peak Drake Boss Guide

Jagged Peak Drake Boss Video Guide



Jagged Peak Drake Fight Strategy

The Best Tips for Jagged Peak Drake:


Melee Users

The Jagged Peak Drake can be found at the entrance to the Jagged Peak, found after clearing the Dragon's Pit, sleeping in a shallow lake surrounded by dragon corpses. This boss is optional but can be encountered very early, so you may want to come back later. This boss deals both fire and lightning damage, with many melee and ranged options. It will move around the arena constantly, so staying on Torrent is key.

The second encounter is unique, as it will be fighting alongside another drake when you start the fight with it. The other drake has its own separate health bar, and can be killed independently of the actual boss. They are first seen fighting other enemies, so its best to go in for the kill while they are distracted.

The one of many melee attacks that the Jagged Peak Drake does is a tail sweep. While facing you, it might start to turn around. When it does, it lifts its tail and sweeps it around. This can be easily indicated as it takes a while for the Drake to turn around, so you will need to time your dodge roll right to avoid receiving damage. You can dodge forward to also get closer to it so that you can perform close-range melee attacks on its legs to break its stance to further deal heavy damage to it.

It also has a few attacks where it will be stationed in one location in the area. One of which is when it plants itself on the ground and breathes fire in front of it, this attack can be easily indicated when it has fire in its mouth and starts to swing its head slowly from side to side. When you see this, that is your signal to run to the sides to avoid the flames and to catch up to it to deal damage to its sides as it will only direct the flames in front of it. Another attack is when it lets out a roar followed by flame-lightning striking the ground in front and around it. Watch for spots where the lightning will land. Alternatively, you can also try to run to its sides and go around the boss.

The Jagged Peak Drake has a few leaping attacks that it performs. One of them is its heavy stomps which it will leap into the air, hover a moment, and stomp down heavily onto you. This attack can be indicated when it hovers momentarily in the air. You will need to time your dodge towards its back legs right when it stomps onto the ground, this will avoid the damage and get you closer to attacking it. The next leaping attack is its leaping fire-breathing attack, It will leap up and then breathe out fire when it hovers down backward. This leaves a large AoE on fire so you will need to run or dodge roll out of the indicated orange glow on the ground. It will land a distance away from you so you can either catch up to attack it or wait until its next attack.

A good strategy here is to utilize Torrent to make this fight easier, as with all instances of dragon combat. You can ride around the area to evade the dragon's attacks while also chipping off damage by attacking its legs. You can dash away out of harm's way with Torrent, so you can move in and out of combat, making this fight easier if you choose to go on horseback for this fight.

Once you defeat the Jagged Peak Drake, it will drop 90,000 Runes, 1 Dragon Heart, and 1 Dragonscale Flesh.

Magic and Ranged Users

Strategy Writeup for Magic Users


Jagged Peak Drake Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Most of its attacks are the same as Flying Dragon Agheel, see Agheel's page for a more comprehensive guide
Drake's Flame Lightning Raises its head high and roars, calling down bolts of flame lightning from the sky to strike the ground. Get under the dragon or get on Torrent and circle around. Watch the ground for orange sparks, as it indicates where the lightning will hit.
Raging Smash The Drake roars and lifts up its wings, before smashing the ground three times. The last hit is delayed. Get underneath it or run away on horseback.

Jagged Peak Drake Notes & Other Trivia

  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here


Shadow of the Erdtree Bosses Ranked



Jagged Peak Drake

Jagged Peak Foothills

jagged peak drake elden ring wiki 600px
Drops runes currency elden ring wiki guide 1890,000
Dragon Heart
Dragonscale Flesh
HP 31,941

Elden Ring Jagged Peak Drake Boss (Jagged Peak Foothills)

  • This is an optional boss
  • Closest Site of Grace: Dragon's Pit Terminus
  • Multiplayer is not allowed for this boss
  • You can summon Spirit Ashes for this boss

Elden Ring Jagged Peak Drake Location

From the Dragon's Pit Terminus Site of Grace, head out of the tunnel and up the path and carefully make your way down the cliff to find an open field with the Jagged Peak Drake lying in the middle of it. [Map Link]

Jagged Peak Drake Combat information


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 31,941 34,403 37,844 39,564 41,284 44,724 46,444 48,165
Defense 123 126 129 132 138 144 151 163
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18Runes 90,000 90,000 99,000 101,250 108,000 110,250 112,500 114,750


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison 689  / 979  / 1436 767  / 1057  / 1514 779  / 1069  / 1526 790  / 1080  / 1537 802  / 1092  / 1549 813  / 1103  / 1560 825  / 1115  / 1572 836  / 1126  / 1583
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot 689  / 979  / 1436 767  / 1057  / 1514 779  / 1069  / 1526 790  / 1080  / 1537 802  / 1092  / 1549 813  / 1103  / 1560 825  / 1115  / 1572 836  / 1126  / 1583
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage 689  / 979  / 1436 767  / 1057  / 1514 779  / 1069  / 1526 790  / 1080  / 1537 802  / 1092  / 1549 813  / 1103  / 1560 825  / 1115  / 1572 836  / 1126  / 1583
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite 689  / 979  / 1436 767  / 1057  / 1514 779  / 1069  / 1526 790  / 1080  / 1537 802  / 1092  / 1549 813  / 1103  / 1560 825  / 1115  / 1572 836  / 1126  / 1583
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep Immune
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness Immune


Jagged Peak Drake

Jagged Peak

jagged peak drake duo elden ring wiki 600px
Drops runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18120,000
Dragon Heart
Dragonscale Flesh
HP 39,377

Elden Ring Jagged Peak Drake Boss (Jagged Peak)

  • This boss is found fighting alongside another dragon, which begins at 70% health. Only the boss needs to be defeated to win the fight.
  • This is an optional boss
  • Closest Site of Grace: Foot of the Jagged Peak
  • Multiplayer is not allowed for this boss
  • You can summon Spirit Ashes for this boss

Elden Ring Jagged Peak Drake Location

The Jagged Peak Drake can be found just near the Foot of the Jagged Peak Site of Grace. From the Site of Grace, head southeast through the rocky path and you'll find the dragon fighting another dragon. [Map Link]

Additional Fight Strategy

Jagged Peak Drake Combat information


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 39,377 40,611 44,672 46,702 48,733 52,794 54,824 56,855
Defense 125 126 129 133 139 145 152 164
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18Runes 120,000 120,000 132,000 135,000 144,000 147,000 150,000 153,000


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison 734  / 1024  / 1481 785  / 1075  / 1532 797  / 1087  / 1544 808  / 1098  / 1555 820  / 1110  / 1567 832  / 1122  / 1579 844  / 1134  / 1591 856  / 1146  / 1603
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot 734  / 1024  / 1481 785  / 1075  / 1532 797  / 1087  / 1544 808  / 1098  / 1555 820  / 1110  / 1567 832  / 1122  / 1579 844  / 1134  / 1591 856  / 1146  / 1603
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage 734  / 1024  / 1481 785  / 1075  / 1532 797  / 1087  / 1544 808  / 1098  / 1555 820  / 1110  / 1567 832  / 1122  / 1579 844  / 1134  / 1591 856  / 1146  / 1603
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite 734  / 1024  / 1481 785  / 1075  / 1532 797  / 1087  / 1544 808  / 1098  / 1555 820  / 1110  / 1567 832  / 1122  / 1579 844  / 1134  / 1591 856  / 1146  / 1603
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep Immune
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness Immune

Lesser Dragon Combat information

  • Health: 38,109 HP
  • Defense: 124


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 38,109 39,588 43,547 45,527 47,506 51,465 53,444 55,424
Defense 124 126 129 132 139 145 151 164


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison 726  / 1016  / 1473 782  / 1072  / 1529 794  / 1084  / 1541 805  / 1095  / 1552 817  / 1107  / 1564 829  / 1119  / 1576 841  / 1131  / 1588 852  / 1142  / 1599
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot 726  / 1016  / 1473 782  / 1072  / 1529 794  / 1084  / 1541 805  / 1095  / 1552 817  / 1107  / 1564 829  / 1119  / 1576 841  / 1131  / 1588 852  / 1142  / 1599
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage 726  / 1016  / 1473 782  / 1072  / 1529 794  / 1084  / 1541 805  / 1095  / 1552 817  / 1107  / 1564 829  / 1119  / 1576 841  / 1131  / 1588 852  / 1142  / 1599
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite 726  / 1016  / 1473 782  / 1072  / 1529 794  / 1084  / 1541 805  / 1095  / 1552 817  / 1107  / 1564 829  / 1119  / 1576 841  / 1131  / 1588 852  / 1142  / 1599
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep Immune
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness Immune


Jagged Peak Drake Lore


Lore Items Related to Jagged Peak Drake Dragon

Dragon Heart

Dragon heart seized by a dragon tracker.
Riddled with Gravel Stone, this grotesque organ continues to beat vivaciously.
An offering used in the Dragon Communion.
Consume a dragon's heart at the altar to make its power yours.
While a terrible and savage-looking thing, the heart has a peculiar beauty to it.

Dragonscale Flesh

A lump of hot flesh carved from beneath the inverted scales said to grow on aged dragons.

When ingested as-is, boosts vigor, stamina, strength, and dexterity at the cost of gradual HP loss.

To the drake warriors, there is no more intoxicating liquor than the heat of dragons.

Dragon Greatclaw

Weapon said to have been whittled from the claw of a great, ancient dragon, wielded by grotesque Tree Sentinels who yet serve the Erdtree.

The claw is enwreathed with lightning, and tears through the dragons' feeble descendants with ease.

Dragon King's Cragblade

Piercing Gravel Stone sword containing primeval lightning.
A portion of the Dragonlord's power, gained from a remembrance.

This weapon commands great power over the paltry, mortal dragons of today.

Dragonwound Grease

Solidified grease made from a gravel-stone mixture. Craftable item.

Coats armament, granting an anti-dragon effect.
The effect lasts only for a short time.

When the dragons were born from their ancient kin, they lost their stone scales, which can now be used to cause them mortal harm.

Drake Knight Armor

Black iron armor worn by drake knights.
Features the spoils of a dragon catch as an emblem of pride as both dragon hunter and partake of communion.

The cape is crafted with dragon wing membrane.

From birth, drake knights speak not a word. They spend their lives pursuing the strength of dragons, for its sublime beauty and inspiration of awe.

Greyoll's Roar

Superior incantation of Dragon Communion.
Channels the power of Greyoll, the Elder Dragon.
An incantation of legendary status.

Transforms caster into a dragon to emit a terrible roar, reducing the attack power and defense of nearby enemies.

Greyoll was the mother of all dragons, dwarfing all who stood before her like a looming mountain.

Map (Dragonbarrow)

Map of Dragonbarrow and environs.

The dragons that escaped the scarlet rot and made nest of the plateau to Caelid's north. Thus it was named "Dragonbarrow," and none dare to enter.



Dialogues Related to Jagged Peak Drake

Dragon Communion Priestess

(When asked about Bayle): In a long time past, Bayle turned upon the Dragonlord. The foul traitor assailed our master and inflicted a grievous wound, only to make a hasty retreat. ...Becoming a sworn enemy of the Brood. Since that day, Bayle and his bloodline - the drakes - have served as sacrifices for Dragon Communion. 





Jagged Peak Drake Image Gallery

[screenshots and artwork go here]


Elden Ring Bosses
Abductor Virgins  ♦  Adan, Thief of Fire  ♦  Alabaster Lord  ♦  Alecto Black Knife Ringleader  ♦  Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader  ♦  Ancestor Spirit  ♦  Ancient Dragon Lansseax  ♦  Ancient Dragon Senessax  ♦  Ancient Dragon-Man  ♦  Ancient Hero of Zamor  ♦  Astel Naturalborn of the Void  ♦  Astel, Stars of Darkness  ♦  Battlemage Hugues  ♦  Bayle The Dread  ♦  Beast Clergyman  ♦  Beastman of Farum Azula  ♦  Bell Bearing Hunter  ♦  Black Blade Kindred  ♦  Black Knife Assassin  ♦  Black Knight Edredd  ♦  Black Knight Garrew  ♦  Blackgaol Knight  ♦  Bloodhound Knight  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Darriwil  ♦  Borealis the Freezing Fog  ♦  Cemetery Shade  ♦  Chief Bloodfiend  ♦  Cleanrot Knight  ♦  Commander Gaius  ♦  Commander Niall  ♦  Commander O'Neil  ♦  Count Ymir Mother of Fingers  ♦  Crucible Knight  ♦  Crucible Knight and Misbegotten Warrior  ♦  Crucible Knight Ordovis  ♦  Crucible Knight Siluria  ♦  Crystalians  ♦  Curseblade Labirith  ♦  Dancer of Ranah  ♦  Death Knight  ♦  Death Rite Bird  ♦  Deathbird  ♦  Decaying Ekzykes  ♦  Demi-Human Chief  ♦  Demi-Human Queen Gilika  ♦  Demi-Human Queen Maggie  ♦  Demi-Human Queen Margot  ♦  Demi-Human Queen Marigga  ♦  Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze  ♦  Divine Beast Dancing Lion  ♦  Draconic Tree Sentinel  ♦  Dragonkin Soldier  ♦  Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella  ♦  Dragonlord Placidusax  ♦  Dryleaf Dane (Boss)  ♦  Elden Beast  ♦  Elemer of the Briar  ♦  Erdtree Avatar  ♦  Esgar, Priest of Blood  ♦  Fallingstar Beast  ♦  Fell Twins  ♦  Fia's champions  ♦  Fire Giant  ♦  Flying Dragon Agheel  ♦  Flying Dragon Greyll  ♦  Frenzied Duelist  ♦  Ghostflame Dragon  ♦  Glintstone Dragon Adula  ♦  Glintstone Dragon Smarag  ♦  God-Devouring Serpent  ♦  Godefroy the Grafted  ♦  Godfrey the Grafted  ♦  Godfrey, First Elden Lord  ♦  Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Golden Shade)  ♦  Godrick the Grafted  ♦  Godskin Apostle  ♦  Godskin Apostle & Godskin Noble  ♦  Godskin Apostle (Caelid)  ♦  Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble  ♦  Godskin Duo  ♦  Godskin Noble  ♦  Golden Hippopotamus  ♦  Grafted Scion  ♦  Great Wyrm Theodorix  ♦  Guardian Golem  ♦  Hoarah Loux, Warrior  ♦  Jori Elder Inquisitor  ♦  Kindfred of Rot  ♦  Kindred of Rot  ♦  Lamenter  ♦  Leonine Misbegoten  ♦  Leonine Misbegotten  ♦  Lichdragon Fortissax  ♦  Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree  ♦  Mad Pumpkin Head  ♦  Magma Wyrm  ♦  Magma Wyrm Makar  ♦  Malenia Blade of Miquella  ♦  Maliketh, the Black Blade  ♦  Margit, The Fell Omen  ♦  Messmer the Impaler  ♦  Metyr Mother of Fingers  ♦  Midra Lord of Frenzied Flame  ♦  Mimic Tear  ♦  Miranda the Blighted Bloom  ♦  Misbegotten Crusader  ♦  Misbegotten Warrior  ♦  Mohg, Lord of Blood  ♦  Mohg, the Omen  ♦  Morgott the Omen King  ♦  Necromancer Garris  ♦  Night's Cavalry  ♦  Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest  ♦  Omenkiller  ♦  Omenkiller and Miranda, the Blighted Bloom  ♦  Onyx Lord  ♦  Perfumer Tricia  ♦  Promised Consort Radahn  ♦  Putrescent Knight  ♦  Putrid Crystalians  ♦  Putrid Grave Warden Duelist  ♦  Putrid Tree Spirit  ♦  Radagon of the Golden Order  ♦  Rakshasa  ♦  Ralva the Great Red Bear  ♦  Red Bear  ♦  Red Wolf of Radagon  ♦  Red Wolf of the Champion  ♦  Regal Ancestor Spirit  ♦  Rellana Twin Moon Knight  ♦  Romina Saint of the Bud  ♦  Roundtable Knight Vyke  ♦  Royal Knight Loretta  ♦  Royal Revenant  ♦  Rugalea the Great Red Bear  ♦  Runebear  ♦  Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy  ♦  Scadutree Avatar  ♦  Scaly Misbegotten  ♦  Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing (Boss)  ♦  Soldier of Godrick  ♦  Spirit-Caller Snail  ♦  Starscourge Radahn  ♦  Stonedigger Troll  ♦  Tibia Mariner  ♦  Tree Sentinel  ♦  Ulcerated Tree Spirit  ♦  Valiant Gargoyle  ♦  Wormface

Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      Yeah sure, 2 copy-paste dragons flying back and forth coating the arena in fire, only to land 90 degrees on a mountain so the player can't ever hit them. Really giving skyrim competition for the most insufferable dragon fights.

      • Anonymous

        If you struggle against dragons, clearly you're not built for these jagged peak hood, me and my buddy igon be having a blast around these big fellas

        • Anonymous

          With just my bow and standing on those rocks that we normally jump over into to start the fight. A cheese basically as I was never attacked and just used arrows. Even hit the lower end drake some times as I could not always tell. Anyways I used no health pots standing on those rocks. Just FP was needed. I even changed some talismans for more damage and longer range. No summon needed either. It seemed that dragon could not tell where I was even when facing me. Anyways finally am done with that beast and I just say R.I.P. my friend.

          • Anonymous

            I lost many times, keeping track of my summon so it did not disappear plus dodging the fire was bad enough for me. Today when I went there I thought of trying a different approach. With just my bow and standing on those rocks that we normally jump over into the fight. Wow! Seems like a cheese to me as I was never attacked and just used arrows. Even hit the lower end drake some as I could not always tell. Anyways I used no health pots standing on those rocks. Just FP was needed. No summon either. It seemed that dragon could not tell where I was. Anyways finally am done with it! R.I.P. my friend.

            • Anonymous

              left them fighting until one very low then rode torrent up behind the big bad one and used Ancient Dragoin lightning strike on him about 4 times and then he was dead. he didnt even notice me./ didnt fly away and the other dragon i killed with one ADLS when he had the nerve to wing swipe me once the main drake was dead. strangley easy.///

              • Anonymous

                When fighting the dueling drakes, if you kill the main drake with the boss hp bar, and then die to the inferior drake, the inferior drake doesn't respawn afterwards, idk whether he was gonna drop a heart or not (some tell me please ) but if he does then you've missed out on it.

                • Anonymous

                  Following up its melee attacks with flying away into fire breath is really bullcrap, especially when they can repeat it as much as they want. Cmon just give me time to hit this damn thing with my sword, I don't even care about its damage.

                  • Anonymous

                    the dragon is cool af visually and everything but fighting him is a pain in the ass. I got 3 scadutree blessings, ritualshield and the vagabond set with scaled parts and I'm getting oneshot by his flame breath. I know I only have 36 vig but what the actual ****. The dumbest part is that none of his other things oneshot me. only his flame breath. which is incidentally completely unavoidable on the retreat attack and the hitboxes are incredibly unclear on the other attacks. Would be fun if they made the flame breath a temperature that isn't the melting point of ****ing diamonds, but I guess I'll just have to suffer until I get lucky and he doesn't use the retreat attack at at the last 5 hits a third time.

                    • Anonymous

                      FYI The second encounter where the two dragons are fighting each other seems to have broken spirit summon AI. I summoned the mimic and it literally did nothing but follow me around. 0 attacks. Happened across multiple characters.

                      • Anonymous

                        From Soft meticulously crafting the shittiest boss in the game, just a big lizard that flies away every single time you go near it, then putting 2 of them in an arena and calling it a day. Truly the same devs who decided Godskin Duo was the best boss they ever made.

                        • Anonymous

                          Easiest dragonboss in the game, didn't even get hit once while on torrent. Literally as easy as the ones at dragonbarrow

                          • Anonymous

                            Igon somehow died at the spot with the two dueling dragons. Now I can't summon him for the Bayle fight :( Maybe he got killed by one of the dragons?

                            • Anonymous

                              For the Faith users out there uncertain what to use on him, try Pest-Thread Spears. Charged casts locked onto his head will absolutely chunk him

                              • Anonymous

                                You might be tempted to focus on the jagged peak drake first so the other dragon may help you. Don't. You will get caught between the two dragons and die to their fire breath while you are being locked on to one of them. Better wait until the lesser dragon dies before engaging the peak drake. Take the opportunity to apply status effects if you want, but don't stay engaged when both dragons are alive.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Missed opportunity to not give you Flamelightning breath. Ghostflame breath is alright I guess, but having at least one type of lightning breath would have been better IMO.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I think those dragon fights are boring. Always the same obnoxious pattern. Then it insta kills because you hang somewhere. Much wow. Great design

                                    • Anonymous

                                      in the second fight, if you kill the drake boss, then fight the lesser dragon, you won't consume any stamina even if you hit it and it hits you, odd

                                      • Anonymous

                                        "Use the Speckled Hardtear Crystal Tear to increase fire resistance"

                                        No you don't, that's the tear for status effects not the tear for extra damage absorption. The correct one should be opaline hardtear

                                        • Anonymous

                                          it's weird how often i get summoned here. not senessax, just his dumbass little brother down the stairs. why do you need me for this lol

                                          • Anonymous

                                            You can absolutely summon spirit ashes for the second fight, but it's way more fun to fight alongside your dragon buddy instead

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Interesting to note is that the boss drake during the dual fight is the only one that drops anything and Igon’s spawn is connected to it. I managed to kill it before the lesser drake died, and Igon immediately appeared. Killing the lesser drake dropped nothing, not even any runes, which probably makes it the only 0 rune enemy in the game.

                                              If anyone has yet to fight them, please try killing the boss and resting without killing the lesser drake. I’m interested in knowing if he would respawn or not.

                                              Also, the wiki is currently wrong in saying it has only one melee attack. It seems to have the full melee moves of all the lesser dragons. So it has the tailspin, stomp, spinning bite, and charge.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                The one you find fighting another dragon near Igon is the Jagged Peak Drake. The one you find alone at Foot of the Jagged Peak is the Jagged Mid Drake

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  yea this one somehow seemed more annoying than the others. Im kinda weird and actually like fighting the dragons but this obnoxious guy just constantly flew away into lightning-fire-triple-sweep combo before flying again when I finally got near his head to hit him maybe once. almost a meme like how can we just make this cancer and pretend its upping the challenge or making it more interesting. I'd rather it just have double hp and be a fun fight, which would be lazy but more fun than this

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    First dragon I used arrows to take down, tho I forgot arrow talismans are a thing. Can be poisoned to speed it up. Bow was fun, will use again!

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I cant get summoned for co-op. My friend is trying to summon me for the two dragons fighting each other but I cannot put my finger down? It's just greyed out.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Can someone confirm if this is the first lesser (as in non-ancient, 4 legged) dragon that uses lightning? Because I don't remember this ever being the case in the base game. Which would be an interesting lore wrinkle as in before supposedly only ancient dragons could use lightning. Although here it's yellow and not red lightning. So maybe lesser dragons can learn only lesser lightning like the Dragonkin Soldiers can only use frost lightning.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Cool spectacle, only problem is that the dragon you're supposed to help ends up killing you 90% of the time.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Dude kept backing away, eventually it fell off the cliff by the big archway and died on my playthrough... wtf?

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Do NOT get summoned as a co-op after defeating the main drake. The other one will despawn forever (seemingly) if you are removed from the game in such a way.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Looks like it is resistant to poison, but not scarlet rot. Just like the ghostflame dragons. I don't know why From decided this.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Ah yes I love waiting half an hour for two enemies to finish fighting before I do the boss. What very excellent design.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I used crimson bubbletear and opaline bubbletear then went into him with Scarlet Aeonia. Though Crimson Tear is worthless because he will one shot you no matter your fire resistance. Waited for him to kill off second drake then used Pest Threads to finish him off. They deal more damage the bigger the enemy is. You can use Incantation while riding Torrent though to escape his Hellish Breath

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Poor guy got to be the test dummy for the new dragon-killing katana everyone picked up before they came here

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Poor guy got to be the test dummy for the new dragon-killing katana everyone picked up before they came here

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          This fight is fairly easy if you stay on Torrent and use bows. I used a crossbow with rot bolts and bleed bolts. Bleed the dragon while its rotting, continuously circle it (I went clockwise), and stay just outside of its wingspan.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Why the **** does the fire oneshot you? Especially annyoing with the double dragon fight since you need to wait for the other dragon to die

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              This boss just offed itself out of nowhere. I just rode past it while it was fighting (and winning, by a wide margin) against the regular drake since I figured I'd get my ass handed to me if I tried fighting it right now, but after I went up the second spirits print "GREAT ENEMY FELLED" suddenly popped up in the middle of the screen along with the drops, followed by Igon spawning on the way to the spiritspring, telling me what a great drake hunter I was or some such nonsense as well as asking me to summon him later to fight Bayle.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                It says: "This is not an optional boss as players don't need to defeat it [...]". It should be: "This is an optional boss"

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