Madding Hand

madding hand enemy sote elden ring wiki guide
Location Abyssal Woods
Drops Madding Hand

Madding Hand is a Hostile NPC in Elden Ring. The Madding Hand is a hostile NPC located south of the Woodland Trail checkpoint in the Abyssal Woods. The NPC can be seen wearing a blindfold and the Gravebird's Blackquill Armor. This NPC becomes hostile if he spots a player or is attacked. Defeating the NPC drops the Madding Hand weapon.


A hostile NPC that roams the woodland trail of the Abyssal Woods

Elden Ring Madding Hand Guide

The Madding Hand is a nimble enemy that roams around the woodland trail, it will immediately become hostile once it sees you or once you engage. It doesn't have a lot of armor so he can be staggered pretty easily. Once you engage, try to close the distance as soon as you can to avoid it from using its range attack. Try to stay on the offensive to minimize the effectiveness of his counterattacks, staying in his personal space can disrupt his rhythm and prevent him from hitting you with his attacks that can cause Madness. Once you've slain the Madding Hand, you will also receive the Madding Hand weapon.


Elden Ring Madding Hand Locations

Where to Find Madding Hand:


Elden Ring Madding Hand Drops


Madding Hand Notes & Tips

  • Notes and player tips go here



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