
spider hand enemies elden ring wiki guide
Location Caria Manor
Liurnia of the Lakes
Mt. Gelmir Leyndell Royal Capital (Sewers)
Mountaintops of the Giants
Drops item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 418 - 1911 Runes
Somber Smithing Stones

The Fingercreeper is a type of Wildlife Creature in Elden Ring. Fingercreepers are hostile grotesque creatures comprised of gigantic disembodied hands, fused together and given life. Their behavior and method of traversal are highly reminiscent of a spider.


Fingercreeper Locations in Elden Ring

Fingercreepers can be found in the following locations:


Elden Ring Fingercreeper Drops


Drop Rate

Additional Info

Runes 100% runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 418 - 1911
Somber Smithing Stone (2) 100% One time only
Somber Smithing Stone (4) 100% One time only
Somber Smithing Stone (7) 100% One time only


Fingercreeper Notes & Tips

  • When hit with any weapon/spell dealing Fire Damage, Fingercreepers are stunned for a few seconds, with an animation of them "dusting off", which deals additional damage to them.
  • It's recommended to maneuver yourself to their “backs,” as their attacks come mainly from the front.
  • They can sometimes fire off a purple orb that tracks the player down, which will explode and immobilize them. They will often follow up with a Grab attack.
  • Those found in Caria Manor often hide underneath items, grabbing the player if caught. They can be distinguished by their fingernails protruding from the ground.

Negations (or Absorptions)

The absorption numbers are the % of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if an absorption is 60, 40% of that damage by that type will go through and 60% is absorbed. Bigger number = less damage. An absorption of 100 means no damage goes through, and a resistance of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is.


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.


Fingercreeper Image Gallery

 fingercreeper 1 elden ring wiki guide


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    • Anonymous

      'ate fire
      'ate bleedin'
      'ate tarnished
      (not graceless jus' dun' like em)

      luv grabbin'
      luv fingercreepin'
      luv me orb o' holdin'

      simple as

      • Anonymous

        One of these jump up and grabbed me when i naively tried to grab the item and I just went "Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!" and ran all of the way to the next site of grace without picking up any other items or looking around. I won't be looking back.

        • Anonymous

          What is it with them exactly having the rhythm to hit you while you're med rolling?
          Can't escape them for the love of god and just got ****ing slaughtered by the 2 at Caria Manor at the well.
          Hadn't that much issues with Godrick the Assgrafter tbh smh.

          • Anonymous

            I destroy them with a simple fire flamberge +8 at 30 strength : guard counter then charged attack while they’re rolling on the floor catching fire, and a critical or two light hits to end them. Any fire weapon would do honestly

            • Anonymous

              Always get and stay behind them, torch in left hand (if you don't have a fire weapon), poke with torch and finish off with a bleed weapon.
              Always brings them down in no time.

              • Anonymous

                can anybody explain why they are weak to fire? a guy on the steam forum said its an easter egg referencing miyazaki burning his hand which is funny but i dont think is true

                • Anonymous

                  Yeah...I think these guys are just the outright worst enemy to fight in the game.

                  They have similar attack patterns to the Revenant, an enemy that's typically a miniboss and is only encountered singularly even when it isn't a miniboss. However, due to being absolutely massive, you cannot roll to the side, unlike with Revenants. They'll pretty much instantly deplete your stamina bar if you block them, and they hit incredibly fast for their size, again like Revenants. This alone would make them an annoying minboss, but you can encounter...what, a dozen in the first place you fight them?

                  They do, on paper, have a crippling weakness to fire. And when it works, it absolutely shreds them, just like heals melt the Revenants. The problem is that half the time (seems to depend on their animation?) the fire attack just doesn't actually cause them to panic like it should. It's not that you didn't get off the fire attack, because you can see it deal damage, it just fails to actually put it in its panic animation.

                  I think that one issue is the biggest reason these guys suck so much. It's not just them having miniboss-level attack patterns and damage despite being a mere large enemy, it's the fact that their weakness simply doesn't work half the time.

                  • Anonymous

                    Souls community: miyazaki has too much of a feet fetish.

                    Triggered Miyazaki: lemme give you a reason to prefer feet real quick.

                    • Anonymous

                      These enemies are intensely badly made and patheticly so at that.

                      Their hit box are all over the place, they can entirely ignore your attacks and substitute it with their own, stunning AND damaging you when they themselves should've been hurt/killed.

                      The best method to stun and kill these programming errors is to use fire but you should take care that they sometimes simply ignore that this should've stunned them. Range combat is adviced due to the numerous errors.

                      • Anonymous

                        Fire stuns them and they’re weak to bleed? It’s like Bloodflame Blade was invented just to deal with these things

                        • Anonymous

                          What is meant by "one time only" drops? is it like I can't farm the same for somber smithing stones as they will only drop these once per enemy?

                          • Anonymous

                            Despite not having eyes, i have seen it have the same glowey trail enemies get when they have increased Rune drop. From near the stump. Weird but I did get the souls increase, for once the huge hand drop decent runes..

                            • Anonymous

                              The one at Foot of Forge is nice to test dmg on. Moves slow and predictable. Close to grace. Alot of HP. Easy to hit, both cuz of its size and its landing on the crow every time gives nice window to charge a phat spell. Share moveset with the smaller but it way bigger so often lunges too far. Often jsut strafes in a wall like an idiot. Few attacks n short combos; easy to learn. Has 0 elemental resistance.

                              • Anonymous

                                Correction needed. There are actually FOUR colossal ones. The one that drops on the giant crow, the one buried on the way to the crimsonwhorl tear, and then there are two more on the rock formation directly in front of the Church of Repose where the trolls and crows are fighting. One on the southeast side and a second on the northeast side.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Actually one of the worst enemies Fromsoft has ever put out. What were they thinking when designing the move set of these things.

                                  • The best strategy I have for dealing with these guys is to always dodge around them. Never dodge backwards because you'll get caught in their combos. Also try and stay behind them as they don't seem to have a rear move and will instead try and turn around to face you.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      i didn't know they had that dog reaction to fire.
                                      if I knew that I would use my torch like I do against the miners and sometimes the crystal dudes

                                      I only learned because it was seen in a Zullie video

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Do the small ones sometimes drop Arteria leaves? I think that just happened. The bunch of small guys northwest of the road to iniquity SoG.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I would like to talk to the developers who designed and approved of this thing. Really curious to know the thought process and testing methodology of enemies in Elden Ring.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Black Flame spells/weapon arts melt these awful things, fire is very effective against them in general though thankfully.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              WHY do they exist jesus ****ing christ. These + fire breathing birds + Revenants can all go to hell. **** them all to hell, they are the worst enemies to have ever existed in the entire series.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Do these hands belong to all the dead giants in the snowfields? And each is two hands that have been grafted together

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  If you don't have fire at your disposal, i found that you can semi reliably stunlock them with double rapiers

                                                  • Try Fire's Deadly Sin with Bestial Vitality or any other healing-over-time thing. You won't lose much health, and it helps out a lot with the ones underground.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      +8 uchigatana w/ flames of redmanes cuts through them fast but oh my god, the animation of them on fire is the worst thing I’ve seen so far in this game

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        The only thing that makes this enemy bad is the input buffer. God I absolutely hate input queuing in this game, horrible.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Try a couple L2s with Flame of the Redmanes on Misericorde, breaks their stances for a crit and easy kill.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            these guys are susceptible to fire damage. be it fire incantations, fire pots, fire grease, fire arrows. for me, fire pots really made my run through caria manor grounds a LOT easier. two fire pots are enough to stun the ones underground and one is enough for the ones already roaming around.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              In Stormveil castle I switched from using a mace to a great sword. Had a much easier time especially with the banished knights. Until I came to Carian Manor great sword was my first choice. But with these bad boys I gave mace again a try since great sword was too slow for the attack streaks. Mace solved the fingers for me, especially with easily staggering for a crit hit, via guard attacks

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                My theory is that they were created by Rykard as further blasphemy against the golden order and the two fingers. If you look at Rykard’s hands he also has an excess of fingers on each one along with a collection of rings.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I note that these are among the few monsters vulnerable to madness, and very vulnerable at that, it procs on them with just one or two casts of flame of frenzy and because of their weakness to fire, they take extra damage from the burning debuff.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    They have to be related to the 2 and 3 fingers in some way, right? Like weird bastard offspring of the 2 fingers? I remember when trailers showed one I thought they might be intelligent, given that they wear jewelry... but they don't seem to be? I can't figure them out.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Cool creature, but where are the giant FEET monsters??? Miyazaki should stop being so selfish and give the community what we really want. I don't blame him for keeping all of them to himself, but this has really let down my Elden Ring experience. Hopefully we are treated a bit better in the DLC...

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        These hand monsters are legitimately the most terrifying monsters in the game. I have a few things to say about them, though.
                                                                        1: Would they be good at playing huge Pianos, or would they just crawl all over them?
                                                                        2: Do they in any way have a connection to the Three and Two Fingers? Like are the Fingers just housing units for the Greater Will or whatever, and they saw an easy host in a fragmented Fingercreeper?
                                                                        3: Do the Fingercreepers know magic, or is the fact they literally flip you off to cast their annoying spell just done by the sheer rudeness shaping into magic-ness?
                                                                        4: I haven't seen any creatures that have hands like the figercreepers, but clearly they don't just reproduce on their own. Are they Giant hands brought back to life by Erdtree voodo crap?
                                                                        5: HOW THE HECK DO I TAKE THEESE HAND BOIS DOWN!!!????

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Fire is indeed a weakness for them but I found lightning to be effective as well. Especially for the ones buried in the ground. Get close to the areas where there are dozens of them buried and charge up Ancient Dragon Lightning. Moments later you'll have charred fingercreepers. Only the large ones seem to be able to survive a single cast but thats barely only coming out of it with maybe 5% of their HP left.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Hmm, another DS3 reference to the Monstrosity of Sin. And people say Elden Ring has no connection to DS...

                                                                            • Damage Absorptions:
                                                                              -10 Absorption for Standard, Strike, and Piercing
                                                                              -40 Slash!
                                                                              0 For all others, including fire. But fire attacks are highly effective causing them to roll around and take a very high amount of damage. It is important to note to NOT interrupt the rolling animation, or they won't take the full amount of damage the special animation causes.
                                                                              If you intend to farm them, be sure to use a slashing weapon and perhaps a different weapon or spell to hit them with fire, like a torch. While it is easier to simply infuse your weapon with fire, you are also reducing your slash damage which they take +40% damage from. Bleed is also effective. So maybe a katana + torch combo.
                                                                              Immune to Sleep
                                                                              112 for Poison, Rot, Freeze
                                                                              84 Bleed

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Banished Knight Engall +3 and fire arrows make the big hands manageable. They're tough on their own, especially two at once.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Could these be hands of the giants? We find the enemies strangely in the land of the giants, and many of the giants seem to have their hands chopped off or arms buried in the ground. In fact I really couldn’t find a handed-giant, thought someone could fact check that! Could it be some kind of punishment for having fought against the erdtree, hands forever bound to service?

                                                                                  • Is there a lore explanation for these things? I assume they are tied to the Carian royal family in some way. Are they naturally occurring beings or are they artificially created?

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Jesus, I'm not arachnophobic in the slightest, but hell, these are more worse than Basilisks. Bring fire and bleeding by the way.

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