The Poison Flower Blooms Twice |
Conjures stingers of scarlet rot from below to stab the enemy. Landing a follow-up attack on a foe already inflicted with poison or rot deals massive damage in one fell swoop. |
The Poison Flower Blooms Twice is a Skill in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Poison Flower Blooms Twice provides Poison affinity and is usable on all melee armaments.
How to get The Poison Flower Blooms Twice in Elden Ring
- The Ash of War is dropped by a Teardrop Scarab. From Ravine North Site of Grace in Rauh Base, head south to cross river and find it near a small pool of rot near some ruins. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]
Elden Ring the Poison Flower Blooms Twice Guide, Notes & Tips
- This is an Ash of War Skill, associated with the Ash of War: The Poison Flower Blooms Twice
- FP Cost: 14
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- Deals 20 Stance damage (11 for the kick, 9 for the shockwave)
- The user performs a dive-kick attack with a stinger from their foot, which inflicts Scarlet Rot to hit targets and creates a shockwave where landed that deals further damage and staggers enemies.
- The stinger inflicts 160 Scarlet Rot buildup. Does not scale with Arcane or any other stats.
- Scarlet Rot triggered by this Skill deals (0.18% Max HP) + 15 damage per second for 90 seconds, for a total of (16.2% Max HP) + 1350 damage over its full duration.
- The shockwave inflicts no Scarlet Rot buildup, only the dive-kick.
- Dive-kick has base 150 Pierce Damage, shockwave has base 70 Standard Damage. Both scale only based on Weapon Level
- When hitting enemies already inflicted with Poison or Scarlet Rot, the skill will deal extra damage while purging off the existing ailment.
- This "detonation" effect only occurs if the dive-kick makes direct contact, and won't trigger if only the shockwave makes contact.
- The detonation is the same as Poison Moth Flight, dealing (5% Max HP) + 250 damage to the enemy.
- This Skill deals more damage than Poison Moth Flight due to its base attack being more powerful.
- If performed without FP, the Skill does not create either the stinger nor the shockwave, and won't detonate inflicted enemies.
- Damage is boosted by Shattered Stone Talisman.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree The Poison Flower Blooms Twice Videos
- Anonymous
back up slightly, roll forward as they come down and then r1 for the easiest backstab of your life
- Anonymous
Can this proc rot at the same time it removes poison? Say an enemy is only affected by poison, I hit them with this, it clears the poison and then now they have rot?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This in a Smithscript Dagger with poison for double proc, and a off hand second one with Scatterthrow Bleed is probably the most viable way of using that weapon. Bleed the enemies while the poison and rot deplete their hp, and once they get close to end proc the explosion.
Somewhat fun, but slighlty more time consuming.
- Anonymous
Does this skill hit for more damage when there's BOTH Poison and Rot on the enemy, or does it differentiate between the two at all?
What I mean is, imagine 3 scenarios:
1. Enemy only has Rot.
2. Enemy only has Poison.
2. Enemy has both Rot and Poison.
Does the skill deal different amounts of damage in each case, or is it a simple "true/false" check for whether the enemy has any of the two effects?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Its pretty nice but gets annoying in Coop when my poison and Rot keeps getting removed by the summons at the wrong times
- Anonymous
I use this mainly because of the satisfying sound effect of the stinger.
This is the single most fun Ash of War in the game, and it's not even close. Hurling yourself at enemies like an ICBM and dealing the damage of one if you hit them while they're inflicted with rot would be satisfying enough, but even that feels like I'm short-crediting the ash because that's also ignoring another MASSIVE benefit: you can pop this on other status infusions and proc them alongside the scarlet rot effect. Bleed infusion? Absolutely shreds enemies. Poison infusion? Gives you even more damage since you can detonate the poisons more often. Frost infusion? Gives you more damage with your regular attacks alongside the rot. I was hoping for a rotten whetstone in the DLC and while I still wish that were a thing, this ash gave me something I didn't even know I wanted but am ridiculously happy to have. I can't recommend this ash enough, it's more than fantastic, it's playstyle defining and no matter what you put this on, you'll have a good time. It's like wielding a scarlet rot weapon while you're wielding your main weapon all while taking up no weight for your build. Slap this on some Hand-To-Hand arts, slap this on a thrusting shield, slap this on some claws, literally whatever you want, this ash will enhance whatever you're doing. Whatever you do, just put this on there and turn into a missile with ten trillion hyper armor on command for the obscenely low cost of a meager 14fp. Brilliant, no notes.
- Anonymous
I put this on the Pata with my DEX/ARC build and it's the most fun I've had in a while. Put Poison aff on the Pata and go to town
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This should have been obvious but I just realized that this skill is the one Romina uses when she jumps in the air and stabs you. If you're inflicted with rot that attack will clear it and do additional damage, and the only reason I figured this out is that I still took damage when blocking it which I normally don't. Honestly this skill is so good that it might as well have been one of her remembrance rewards lol.
- Anonymous
Definitely want to try this out in co-op; but I could easily see myself triggering the detonate way too early.
- Anonymous
I was able to rot Malenia in her second phase with this. Extremely surprised when it worked, I was just going for thematic stunts (and the off chance it might make her flinch)
- Anonymous
If the target is Rotted AND Poisoned, it will consume both, but only do the damage of one. It is not exploding the rot, or the poison, the ash of war is just getting more damage from them being poisoned OR rotted and will remove both at the same time.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Fun fact: if you've poisoned an enemy and they attempt to block this ash, they still take the full hit, even with a 100% physical resist shield.
- Anonymous
Works extremly well with poisoned hand in off hand. 2 skills from that is poison + 7.5% dmg buff, then swap to this and nuke for 7k damage
Rinse and repeat
- Anonymous
Poison is usually meme, but this thing decisively is not. It’s best use on weapons which can perform multiple attacks quickly, dual twinblades, curved swords, claws, fists, martial arts, whichever you prefer (I personally love the moveset of dual curved swords which hit 4 times on running and jumping attacks), for quick poison procs. Then you hit with this for massive damage, and spam it to reapply the rot. Don’t disregard it just because it’s a poison ash, it’s much better than you think.
- Anonymous
what you've gotta do is wait until your poison/rot is almost worn off, and *then* hit with this attack. you get most of the damage from the poison/rot, plus the damage from this.
- Anonymous
I use this thing on backhand blades.
It's not as powerful as the 2 backhand blade ashes of war but it feels fun to use.
Plus works well as a good gap closer when people try to roll away.
- Anonymous
Im really tired of most arcane builds focusing around procing bleed, so this is really just a breath of fresh air. I'll try to make this work, somehow.
- Anonymous
For those pointing out the purge damage isn't as good as bleed or cold, I don't think that is really the point. This is one of the only skills with super armor (200) that you can put on some weapons, such as the new beast claws weapon which I enjoy quite a bit, or something else like whips with few good options. An arcane build can use occult beast claws with high bleed and use this too for a quick, inexpensive way to deal pierce damage and rack up stance damage, and inflict scarlet rot in a way that is difficult to interupt and flows well with pretty much any weapon's moveset. Take advantage of the immediate %hp damage after rot procs whenever you want, right away and start over or let it go for a while. The direct hit and area hit are also all physical damage, so my dragon communion build can use the new rock heart item for dragon form, wear occult beast claws with PFBT on it, and its damage will benefit from the blue dancer charm's ~14.5% damage buff for equip load < 8 that also works on the claws and spells like dragon maw, and stacks with things like shard of Alexander. It's not for every build but don't sleep on it.
I’ve been trying to make this work. I love the idea, but it seems entirely worse than Cold/Bleed in every way.
- Anonymous
Did anyone test if the damage boost is increase is more with both rot and poison on the enemy as opposed to only one of the statuses?
- Anonymous
It does more than 10 Stance DMG.
Even when equipped on a dagger, it stance breaks the omens in the sewers (65 Stance) in 4 hits
(provided you hit them with the kick and not just with the AoE bloom at the end)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This looks very similar to the attack Romina does where she flies up and forms into a ball with sword gleaming right before spinning and crashing down violently
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I love anything in games that lets you process a stack of DoT's all at once so this ash is an absolute win, but it also looks and feels absolutely sick nasty to land. And you can put it on practically everything.
- Anonymous
As far as I can tell, this doesn't technically count as a jump attack and as such is not buffed by the raptor's black feathers, gravebird's blackquill armor or claw talisman.
- Anonymous
Does jumping attack boost also buff this? Like the Claw Tailisman or the Blackquill armor?
- Anonymous
envision this, white mask, rakshasa set, rot exaltation, blood exaltation, , shard of alexander, erdtree favor +2, bloodfieds poison fork with this aow. can be used with 2 arcane level on the hero class if you drop all the required items to a new character. massive damage from bleed, poison, rot and the burst of the aow affect on poisoned/rotted targets as well as damage boost from kindred of rot talisman and bleed talisman and white mask, rakshasa set for extra damage on ng and ng+1.
- Anonymous
This is why you should pack neutralizing boluses in PVP. Poisonous fangs usually have this, but you can negate their damage boost by just chowing down
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
occult poisonous fangs with 80 arcane, poisoned hand offhand (not used) mushroom crown, kindred of rot exultation, Millicent prosthesis, rotten wing sword insignia
and this has hit for 2k on mages. 1500 on a guy in full fire prelate armor with a finger print shield
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Love the idea and want to make a poison build, but what's the advantage of this over bleed, when you can proc bleed as fast as procing poison and then using this skill?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
IMPORTANT heads up: occult infusion has higher arcane scaling than bleed or poison(their arcane scaling is actually the lowest stat scaling possible in the game, for all stats exept arc the lowest scaling factor is 1.8 with them having better scaling on certain infusions. arcane however has 1.45 on bleed/poison and 1.8 on occult and all other infusions.) therefore you should use this skill on an occult weapon. source chrightts weapon art damage calculation guide
- Anonymous
This WA (weapon art) DO NOT scale with AR of the weapon, it scale with your weapon level and infusion (see below), and with your arcane stat, note that if you have bleed(or poison) on your weapon, being innate or a buff, it WON'T apply to the target by using the WA.
The only things that the WA will proc is scarlet rot, it's not mentionned anywhere what amount it does, but from my test, it's between 140 and 149 build up of scarlet rot per use. Also, weapon level, arcane stat, infusion don't appear to influence the infliction rate of the scarlet rot
Infusion : (tested with 14 arcane and without any buff on an omen killer)
None : 888
Heavy and Keen : 904
Quality : 900
Poison and Blood : 874
Occult : 904
Some facts for those who need confirmation : (i tested all of them)
-The shattered stone talisman will indeed boost your damage by 10%.
-It will do ripost damage
-The Kindred of Rot's Exultation, the Mushroom Crown and the Poisoned Hand will indeed buff you if you proc scarlet rot with the WA.
-Poisoned Hand will work in off hand, even if you two-hand your main weapon, and even if you don't have the stat requirement to wield the Poisoned Hand.
-You can activate all the buff preemptively to the fight by using the Poison Perfume Bottle WA
-Pro tip : the Mushroom Crown fit oddly well with the Rakshasa set.
- Anonymous
i test it out but if anyone can confirm with me, it be fine. damage does stack. i test it out on an erdtree where i did poison and rot seperately and usually get 2k damage in but combine together, i get roughly 7k damage
- Anonymous
If you inflict both poison and scarlet rot (poison antspur rapier) does that damage stack or does it do set damage if it has just 1 affliction on it?
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Goes really well with venomous fang and I think is buffed by the new talisman that enhances kicks
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Im confused, is there a follow up attack or is it just the next normal attack you do that gets bonus damage?
- Anonymous
Very funny with bloodfiends arm. Insane bleed procs while also rotting and doing nice chunks plus dot. The distance you cover with it also helps the weapons lack of mobility.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Bonus damage doesn't appear to increase if you hit an enemy that has poison and rot at the same time, but it clears both statuses.
- Anonymous
after using it many many times on the final boss, it appears to me that the actual kick stab is the majority of rot build up, while the cloud aftereffect applies far less.
p1 would take 2-3 casts to rot if the kick landed (2 usually if both parts landed) while missing the kick on more than one occasion but landing the cloud took 6-8 casts sometimes not even resulting in a proc at all (ran out of fp). for fast enemies or bosses this might be relevant.
btw stone talisman does work on these and so does the golden bird talon greaves
- Anonymous
Haven't tested much, but very unsure of the dmg scaling of the base skill dmg. Probably foremost scales with weapon upgrade lvl. My arcane vs non-arcane builds are seeing very similar numbers. Rot proc seems equal between them, as well. When testing on my arcane build, weapon AR didn't seem to affect it either. Also, thinking about it, likely does not scale with dex either, as my arcane build has good dex, yet still similar numbers to a non-arc/non-dex build.
Tentative conclusion: for at least the base skill dmg (when not detonating poison/rot), dmg seems to primarily, if not only scaling from weapon level.
Considerations: The skill does have a multi-hit component. Thus, dmg can vary depending on target and context of use (e.g. targeting dragon legs vs under a bear etc).
The highest dmg I saw on targets was 7-8k (alexander+rot exult) on the big bear bosses, which don't actually have that much hp, so I am guessing it had to do with the hit box. Also, maybe the skill does piercing dmg?
- Anonymous
Bonus damage seems to be the same at all times during status duration. Meaning you can f.i. procc poison, let it almost run out, then procc the explosion damage with the ability for big bonus damage. Makes poison / scarlet rot an even better attrition tool. Damage of the inflicted scarlet rot per tick seems to be 5/6 of the rot breath incantation.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This is the sleeper skill of the set, seriously this thing makes poison bleed builds absolutely cracked.
The Skill itself applies a huge amount of rot build up. In my testing pretty much everything was rotted after two uses. It also lets you pop the rot you place immediately (repeated procs of Mushroom crown + Kindred of Rot exaltation + Poisoned hand is so easy now).
But the big thing, and this cannot be understated is how it can be applied to literally any armament. I've been using it with a blood infused Blood fiends arm.
Two-handing a blood fiends arm
Poisoned hand in the off hand for the passive buff (+8% damage)
Kindred of rot exaltation (+20% damage)
Lord of blood exaltation (+10% damage)
Two handed sword talisman (+ 10% damage)
Axe Talisman (+10% damage)
Mushroom Crown (+10% damage)
- Anonymous
Seems like it might remove the poison / scarlet rot effects on the target and procc their damage instantly or convert it to otherwise big direct damage
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
how much damage does it do, does it scale off of weapon base damage? does it scale with faith or dex or something? does it deal more damage depending if the enemy is affected by poison, rot, or both? FFFRRRROOMMM SOOFFFFFTTTTTT...
- Anonymous
Slap this into your poison weapon with mimic tear and destroy any boss
- Anonymous
Been using this a bit, pretty fun ash. Easy to land, staggers most enemies, and is an easy source of scarlet rot without needing something like antspur or consumables
- Anonymous
This is 100% resembling Soi Fon's Suzumebachi and I'm here for it
- Anonymous
This is 100% resembling Soi Fon's Suzumebachi and I'm here for it
tiger knee motion!!!